What is it you want, THUGS (HUMAN TRASH)?? Is it to allow you to - TopicsExpress


What is it you want, THUGS (HUMAN TRASH)?? Is it to allow you to do what ever you want and have cops just turn a blind eye? You want to rob, murder, burn and rape and just have cops say go ahead, cuz we dont want you to think were violating any of your so-called rights? You have a right to kill, steal, murder, burn and rape?? You point a loaded firearm at a police officer, with every intent of murdering that officer and were supposed to just turn and walk away?? LISTEN UP you low-life, inbred F&*%*# pieces of human shit: YOU dont make the rules for society; youre NOT in charge and you will NOT win. You can protest until your balls fall on the ground... WE are NOT gonna just walk away. WE represent the true, law abiding, members of society; the good and progression of a peaceful citizenry where people can work and raise their families in an environment without fear. Do you REALLY think were gonna let you take that away from us?? If one cop cant handle a situation, well call another, then 10, 50, 100, 1000, 10,000. If that doesnt work, well call in the military; all branches if necessary. There are enough rednecks in this country, alone, with millions of guns that are biting at the bit to wipe you off the face of the earth. You worthless, useless, feral pieces of human trash have pushed your so-called rights to the brink and were sick and tired of it. You dont contribute anything to our peaceful society; you only take from every hard-working citizen with your government entitled handouts, pedaling your poison on our street corners, filling our prisons and gutting our economy. Bring it on if you think you possibly stand a chance. Were not going away. Youre plucking at our last, vital, nerve and as they say, youre opening up a huge can of whoop ass that youre gonna wish you hadnt...
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 18:38:56 +0000

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