What is love? God defines it all throughout the bible, no better - TopicsExpress


What is love? God defines it all throughout the bible, no better then in1 Corinthians 13! But how do we as humans interpret or define love? when push comes to shove, we are the sum total of our experiences, our past, our knowledge and beliefs, our interactions, etc. Nonetheless, we should always defer to what the Bible says.....Love is patient (it waits without demands or pressure. It is inexhaustible! It walks the extra mile or thousand miles...whatever it takes!) Love is kind. (Websters definiton: affectionate, loving, of a sympathetic or helpful nature, of a forbearing nature: gentle, arising from or characterized by sympathy or forbearance, of a kind to give pleasure or relief.) Love does not envy or boast/is not arrogant or rude....there is no room for pride, arrogance, one upmanship, does not try to exalt ones self over another, or keep track of all the things that one did for another so they can repeatedly use this as a weapon....it does not insist on its own way (no one is always right or wrong....love compromises but still speaks THE truth not a perceived truth; love forgives 70 x 7 times and beyond and doesnt have anything to prove.) Love is not irritable or resentful it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth (Love searches for peaceful resolutions without always having to win the argument or game; Love denies itself and puts the others needs before its own. It is sorrowful when another fails and looks for ways to help and restore. Love fills the heart with joy and is never a burden) Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things (Love imitates God who is the author and personification of Love in its purest form!) Love never gives up or throws in the towel....it doesnt threaten, belittle, cause pain but keeps trying to restore right relationship to ones that are out of kilter or show compassion and empathy to everyone around them. LOVE NEVER FAILS! It keeps on keeping on and doesnt stop praying, hoping, believing, trying, doing, showing kindness in the face of bigotry, hate, jealousy, greed, etc. It never keeps records of wrongs so that they can be used over and over again but remembers them no more as far as the east is from the west....it is not selfish but selfless.....it is not hurtful, accusatory, angry, having always to be right, arrogant...We are called to love others as God loves us and gave Himself up for us! He died for us! no greater love then this that a man lay down His life for His friends!!!!....love suffers with those who suffer and rejoices with those who rejoice! Love does not seek to exalt self but to rejoice in healing, hope, truth, God, peace, restoration....love cannot give up and always does the right thing as defined by God....love can never die because it is eternal, unshakable, unstoppable....love always wins while evil always loses, either now or in the end. If we are Christians, love should define us and our relationships and habits. The world will know we are Christians by our love for one another. God IS love and we are called to be like Him....I believe our treasures and rewards in Heaven will be measured by how well we have loved! May we all be found in Gods arms hearing well done, good and faithful servant!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 14:05:12 +0000

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