What is more important, WHO you are or WHAT you are? A while - TopicsExpress


What is more important, WHO you are or WHAT you are? A while ago I was talking to my business consultant, Brandon Simmons, in Baton Rouge about this. It came to me in a meditation years ago. Your WHO is bigger than your WHAT. A janitor sees a rich CEO walking towards him as he mops the floor of the office building he works in. The CEO is wearing a pinstriped business suit, a very expensive watch, and italian leather shoes. The janitor is wearing his grey uniform and bargain-store work boots. Feeling very proud of himself after a great sales meeting, the CEO stops and looks at the janitor. The janitor looks up. The cocky CEO says, Are you really satisfied with working this minimum wage job? No, sir. But one day I will be in a much better position financially than you. He humbly goes back to his work. Looking down his nose self-righteously at the janitor, the CEO laughs and shakes his head, Not at the rate youre going! The janitor puts his mop up and stands upright to face the CEO. Sir, I beg to differ. You see, my WHO is bigger than your WHAT. Youre talking gibberish! The CEO chuckles, dismissing him. No, sir, Im not. I need to get back to work, because the owners of this building dont pay me to stand around and talk. However, I need to correct you in what you have said to me. Im not talking gibberish at all. You see, my WHO is bigger than your WHAT. WHAT am I? A janitor. WHAT are you? A successful businessman. The janitor looked him steadily in his eyes. Well, at least you got SOMETHING right! Yes, but WHO are you? You are the type of person who would look down on an honest man making a living to put food on the table for his wife and three children. I would rather work a janitors job for a janitors wages then to watch my family suffer while my pride stands in the way of me earning a paycheck to support them. You are the type of man who would belittle me here in this hallway and try to make me feel like less of a man because of what I do. But WHO am I? Sir, I am a child of God who knows that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I know that I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Ahh, so here we go. Youre one of these Christians who have to fight all of their fights with thumping the Bible at someone. I am through with this conversation. I have bigger fish to fry. The CEO begins to walk away. No, sir. You didnt let me finish. Who ELSE am I? I am the type of man who works 8-10 hours a day cleaning up after very important people, like yourself. Happens that I am also the type of man who goes the extra mile when he works. I bring people extra supplies, I work twice as hard as anyone else, and I am always polite and courteous to everyone who I come into contact with. I dont have time for this! Of course you do all of that - its your job! Well, sir, my WHO goes a little farther than that. See, because of my WHO, I will surpass your WHAT. Just so happens that last week, one of the owners of this building was stranded on the interstate and I was driving past her when I was headed on my way home. Recognizing her, because of WHO I am, I stopped and was actually able to help her not only get to where she was going, but I was able to fix her car for her after about 3 hours of calling around, getting parts, and returning to actually FIX the vehicle right there on the interstate. She was so thankful, and she was surprised that anyone would go out of their way to help her to that extent. She has offered me the penthouse office that was just released by the Gertman Company. I will be able to use this office RENT FREE for the first 6 months. What on Earth will you do with such a beautiful office? Clean it all day? Use it to store your mop and broom? That office is three times the size of ours! The CEO snickered in disbelief. No, sir. I will be able to expand my company. I have been building a business plan and working out the operating structure for my accounting company for quite awhile now. The last part of WHO I am is that I am an educated man in the field of finance. As I said, sir, because of my WHO, I will very soon surpass your WHAT. With that, the janitor continued down the hallway whistling, while the CEO looked after him with his jaw hanging open. Now ask yourself. WHO are you, and WHAT are you?
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 20:44:57 +0000

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