What is on my mind? Well ..... It sickens me deeply as I have - TopicsExpress


What is on my mind? Well ..... It sickens me deeply as I have watched individual dedicate his/her life to their husband/wife/children and when there is a need they all disappear. Even the dedication that they gave to their jobs and friends while taking care of the home also. This world has truly grown very cold. Any age person can fall ill under deep emotional stressful conditions. I know of several individuals that are experiencing much sickness brought upon them by people close around them that never appreciated their worth. They are suffering and have suffered much physical, psychological/mental /verbal abuse that is uncalled for. Heart diseases,strokes and many other kinds of sicknesses are caused initially by stress. Words spoken in anger or threats issued causes much, much stress upon the organs within the body. All I can ask is "Lord! How long must the wicked triumph over those that have given their hearts and dedicated themselves for the good of others "? Why must people wind up in hospitals dependent upon others to decide their worth or to decide whether you are necessary part of their lives or not. Not many Good Samaritans are visible these days. If you know of one they must be thanked. The Good Samaritan will go out of his/her way AND bend over backwards to help people,BUT...... look what happens when they get up on their feet. They show that good samaritan that they are ungrateful "heathens". They seldom say "Thank You". They talk about them behind their backs,they call them nasty names, but they still expect the good samaritan to repeat their actions if needed again, and again. I hurt so deeply for these Good Samaritans .All I can do is listen,pray and stand by them in their desperate times of pain. I am writing this on this page, but I could care less if anybody reads it .Very few people now are concerned nor do they care about others in the manner which has been ordained and commanded by the Creator of the Universe. It hurts when you see people suffering so badly and it is so undeserved. One day, and this will occur very,very soon, many will begin to reap what they are sowing today. Forgiveness is a requirement. Saying Thank you is a requirement. Encouraging other is a requirement. And I will ask this. How were YOU trained?
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 18:30:14 +0000

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