What is one of the main differences between Nelson Mandela and - TopicsExpress


What is one of the main differences between Nelson Mandela and Jomo Kenyatta? Nelson Mandela never engaged in any oathing against any community in South Africa. He hails from the Xhosa community and never oathed or pronounced a diabolic curse on his own people. Instead, without favouritism, nepotism or tribalism, he equally upheld the human rights of all, unconditionally forgave the brutal President De Klerk and thousands of others who hurt and killed poor Black Africans, respected the findings of the TJRC and never manipulated the outcomes by deleting entire chapters from the TJRC Report. He was steadfast in his resolve for truth and adapted the report in its entirety ...as it was originally issued by the TJRC and facilitated the prosecution to do its work without influencing, threatening and corrupting the judiciary or a single individual. He promoted equality and equity for all and uplifted the millions of poor and landless through his struggle against apartheid. He fought for all regardless of their heritage. Mandela united all South Africans. Jomo Kenyatta put a curse on the Kikuyu by oathing them and pronouncing a curse upon them and inciting them against all other communities especially the Luo. Those that he managed to forcibly oath, he still controls them and their offspring because that is the only way he can break their will and control their destiny, so they blindly follow him like a herd of sheep. Kenyatta divided Kenyans and all successive presidents continued to divide Kenyans. The son of Jomo is the curse of the nation.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 10:59:27 +0000

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