What is remarkable about Its a Wonderful Life is how well it holds - TopicsExpress


What is remarkable about Its a Wonderful Life is how well it holds up over the years; its one of those ageless movies, like Casablanca or The Third Man, that improves with age. Some movies, even good ones, should only be seen once. When we know how they turn out, theyve surrendered their mystery and appeal. Other movies can be viewed an indefinite number of times. Like great music, they improve with familiarity. Its a Wonderful Life falls in the second category. - Roger Ebert Join the Spring Green Area Arts Coalition and your friends and neighbors for our Holiday Double Feature. Saturday December 13th Holiday Inn 12Noon Its A Wonderful Life 2:45PM Admission FREE The Gard Theater on Jefferson Street Donations accepted in support of SGAAC grants program that supports area arts and cultural programs.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:33:59 +0000

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