What is rhizoma polygonati or Polygonatum? - TopicsExpress


What is rhizoma polygonati or Polygonatum? ***************************************** Main chemical constituents are steroidal saponins, aka----- ***** ANTI-INFLAMATORY *****Polygonatum sibiricum polysaccharides A, B, C, oligosaccharides A, B, C, phlegm, starch, amino acids, etc. Rhizoma polygonati benefits At the mention of tonics for the elderly, ginseng, deer antler (lu rong) and other rare expensive herbs will come to mind for many people. In fact, rhizoma polygonati is the ideal tonic for the elderly who need to nurse and strengthen the body. This is simply because both insufficiency of yang-qi and consumption of yin-fluid are two typical patterns occurred in the old people. And this herb owns many health benefits that are especially beneficial to them. Shen Xian Zhi Cao Jing (Immortal Elixir Fairy Grass) ever gave it a very good review and believed that it could relieve the middle burner, tune five zang organs, build up muscle, strengthen bone marrow, double physical strength, stay young, make skin glow, reverse graying hair, and regrow lost teeth. Have you ever heard about the inedia, an important and popular practice method of Taoist priests who want to increase life expectancy? One of the vital characteristics of the inedia is refraining from eating any grains in order to clear out the feces, waste, toxics, excess fat, and cholesterol accumulated inside the body and thus make the body feels lighter and more agile. But don’t mistake it as eating nothing. Actually the fact is that no food or drink cooked with fire is allowed during the practice. That being said, the inedia practitioners can drink mountain spring water and natural foods, among which Polygonatum and mulberry are the most common two ones. Modern pharmacology of Polygonatum 1. It improved immune function, promotes the synthesis of DNA, RNA aka ***REVERSES GRAY HAIR***and protein, and promote the transformation of lymphocyte; 2. It has a significant effect on fighting mycobacterium tuberculosis; 3. It has inhibition on a variety of pathogenic fungi, typhoid bacillus, and Staphylococcus aureus; 4. It increases the coronary blood flow, lower blood pressure, reduce blood fat, aka **** lowers cholosterol **** and mitigated the degree of coronary artery artheromatosis; 5. It significantly inhibits the epinephrine induced hyperglycemia; 6. It inhibits adrenal cortex --aka ***REVERSES GRAY HAIR***and defies aging. 7. Experiments showed that polygonati rhizoma extract has hemostasis and reduces the amount of bleeding in mice.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 05:10:48 +0000

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