“ What is that…?” “ Chains of Time.” The little girl - TopicsExpress


“ What is that…?” “ Chains of Time.” The little girl said Cheerily “ No, I mean, why is it here?” “ Cause, it was Kefka’s. He had to use what was left of it that he could use, to retreat back to his Castle.” “ Aren’t we in his Castle?” “ Indeed. In the Dungeon below it. “ “ Why is it here though?” “ because, It needs you guys to Save Marceline, so it can be Claimed.” “ ‘Claimed’ ?” Meledy asked. “ yeah, there are six Items of Nina.” She said, snapping her fingers, and they were suddenly in a Pure why room. Images popped up to Show what was happening. “ The Chains of Time and Space. They belong to Icarus, and Marceline Respectively. The keys of Void and Hope, belong to Moraltar, and Dante, and the Rings of Life and Death, Belong to Navvarre, and Ginger. “ “ I see…” Umbra said. “ The Chaos Members stole These items, and now they’re Coming to us?” “ Not all of Chaos, just Kefka.” “ yeah, remember, all the Other Chaos members are dead?” “ Not quite… All of them…” The light from the Ball of Hope Faded, and they were no longer in Darkness. Instead, Icarus and Moraltar were in a Field of Flowers, with one Tree, and a Woman sitting on the hill where the Tree Stood. “ Hello?” Icarus called. “ Oh, hey Icarus.” Gretchen said back. She looked Exhausted. “ Gretchen?!” Icarus ran over to her. “ I thought you died…” He said, Moraltar followed Close behind. “ I did too… Kefka ordered me, as Chaos’ Handmaid, to become evil, and my Inner Phoenix be realized as darkness. “ She said Sadly. “ I almost died when the Cascade ended, and the Paradox Occurred. Unfortunately, my Pain had to be endured just a bit longer, so I could tell you something, Icarus.” “ What would that Something be?” “ First, you have to Give this to Navvarre. “ She held out a ring. “ Hey, this is just like… “ He looked at the Ring the Older Ginger gave him. “ That’s the Ring of Death, this is the Ring of Life.” “ How do they Differ?” “ The Ring of Death gives the Wearer the Power of previous self’s who have died in order to give it to them. The Ring of Life brings the user back to life, if Dead, and brings to Life a Hidden Potential that had not been Realized before. “ “ Whoa…So both make the User more Powerful?” “ Much more.” “ What else did you need to tell me?” “ You need this.” She handed him a Shard of what looked like Burning Hot Ruby glass. “ What is it?” “ The largest Remaining piece of my Soul.” “ Then why don’t you take it back?! You might live!” “ No! it’s over for me. You need that Shard. You need to give the Items to each person Individually.” “ No…” Icarus exhaled deeply “ Anything else?” “ One more thing…” She stood up with the Last of her Strength, and looked him dead in the eye. “ Kick Kefka’s Clown ass. “ “ lord Kefka! Are you alright!” Marceline ran over to the Injured sadist. “ A battle with an Evil Spirit is all. “ he breathed angrily. “ here, let me,” “ NO!” He said, she looked shocked. “Oh, my, I’m sorry… I just... need some time…” he stormed off. He opened the Door to the Younger Meledy’s room. “ Why am I still here…?” The little girl asked. “ because Icarus isn’t Coming for you… They’ve all died.” “ You’re Lying! How did you get those Scars!” “ Just a Last Quarrel with your Future Self.” “No! You’re lying!” “ I’m not.” Kefka smiled as his Burning wounds healed. “ You have to be...” She sniffed. “ I’m not, honestly, you see, everyone you love is dead, why not Join me…?” he held out a hand. Meledy sniffed once more. Then looked at the hand, her arm twitched to it, and suddenly a Vortex opened, and the Phantom Members, as well as Legulus, Firenze, Keiro, and Eden walked out. A small Child Followed suit, and the Vortex Closed. “ You.” Kefka hissed at the Girl. “ Hello Clown man!” “ You know me you bastard! Why not stop pretending to be an Actuall Being, and go back to the Forge, you freak of Reality!” “ But Clown man.” She Opened her eyes after blinking, and they were Pure White. “ How can I be a freak of what I am?”
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 01:50:05 +0000

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