What is the Global March for Peace and Unity? This is an - TopicsExpress


What is the Global March for Peace and Unity? This is an effort to organize a nonviolent world march for peace and unity on the International Day of Peace, September 21, 2014. Organizers from across the globe have pledged their support for peace. Currently, over 55 countries have signed up – and each day a new country is added making this a significant moment in history! This movement has emerged out of a sense of responsibility we all share; to try to leave the world in a better condition. We are not attempting to end war, poverty or oppression in one day. We want to find this common ground of all people; that we all desire peace. Who are we? We are a group of local organizers passionate about peace and social change. It is our belief, in unity, peace is not only possible, it is a realistic and achievable goal. Our hopes are to inspire all of Colorado to join together for one day to clearly and publicly illustrate that we can, we must, and we will set aside our differences and stand together, united in peace, to provide a voice for all life on this planet. Our Mission? We want to bring forth an entire month long global cease fire by recognizing September as Global Peace Month.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:09:02 +0000

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