What is the New World Order? by Ron Bedell Back in 1990 and - TopicsExpress


What is the New World Order? by Ron Bedell Back in 1990 and 1991 George Bush Sr. said at least on three separate occasions that there would be a New World Order. For many Americans the phrase New World Order was something new and unknown. But a globalist such as George Bush Sr. would promote the New World Order in a positive way instead of telling America what it really is – Global Totalitarianism. The U.S. Constitution does not allow the powers to be in Washington D.C. to establish a Totalitarian system of government. In fact the U. S. Constitution which, of course, is the law for the U.S. Government and not the law of the land provides for a very limited and restricted U.S. Government. In the link below George Bush Sr. gives one of his New World Order speeches. In this speech Bush even referred to the U.S. Constitution as being the “law of the jungle.” In other words the U.S. Constitution and the New World Order cannot coexist. https://youtube/watch?v=Rc7i0wCFf8g The New World Order is a fascist state where individual rights are totally abrogated. Some asked, “Why are individual rights taken away in the New World Order?” It is because national and individual sovereignty cannot coexist when there is a one world dictator. The globalists establish their New World Order through lie and deceit? What person in their right mind would surrender their rights to a totalitarian government and world dictator? For decades the globalists have created crisis after crisis, domestically and internationally, to persuade and force the American people to surrender their rights. The New World Order is more than just the socializing of the United States. The New World Order has to do with establishing a one world financial, military, political, and religious empire. It is no accident the United States has the largest welfare/warfare American Empire that the world has ever seen. The U.S also has the largest debt in history also, $18 trillion. The privately owned Federal Reserve is part of the New World Order. It is designed to destroy Americas wealth and families, as are the following: the privately owned IRS is designed to harass Americans, the 16th amendment which was never legally passed gives the federal government the “right” to establish a direct tax on the income of the American people, the Patriot Act, TSA, wire tapping, Military Commissions Act, NDAA, the creation of foreign wars by bankers, U.S. troops and military bases stationed in hundreds of foreign countries and the U.S. involvement in the anti-American United Nations and all other foreign alliances, and the list of unconstitutional and anti-American legislation goes on and on, including executive orders which are 100% unconstitutional. The U.S. military is being used by the bankers to establish the New World Order. Nearly everything the United States Government does supports and paves the way toward the New World Order. The United States of America is leading the world into the Satanic New World Order! The New World Order will be a total immoral rebellion against God (1 Thessalonians 5). The New World Order is described in the books of Daniel and Revelation, and in Christ’s Olivet Discourse in Matthew chapters 24 and 25. The New World Order, as described in Daniel, will be a revival of the old Roman Empire. But this New World Order will be unique. It will be different from any of the four world ruling powers described in the book of Daniel: Babylon, Medes and Persians, Greece, and Rome. Heading up this New World Order will be the anti-Christ which the Bible calls the Beast in Revelation chapter 13. This Beast will not only have complete control of everyone but he will demand worship from everyone. 2000 years ago Israel did have some measure of freedom under the Roman Empire but, of course, that all ended when Titus destroyed the temple and Jerusalem in 70 A.D. But in the New World Order this Beast will demand worship from everyone or else the Beast will terminate their lives. The New World Order (the seven years of tribulation) will be the most horrifying period of time in the history of mankind. When Christ rules and reign’s on earth during His Millennial Kingdom everyone will have rights but under the New World Order and the anti-Christ no one will have rights.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 02:19:58 +0000

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