What is the Proper Understanding of these words which are commonly - TopicsExpress


What is the Proper Understanding of these words which are commonly used to define an incarnated Human Being as an Old Soul or a New Soul......??????? Most People belonging to various Religions, Casts and Creeds are unaware of this Supreme Fact, which is related to our Solar Universe [Surya Brahmanda] that the word Soul technically defines the Differentiated Solar Consciousness,......!!!!!!! Of which the Active Ones incarnated upon this Planet Earth are One of the 7 Main Desire Mind Differentiations, and this is an Undeniable Fact that all Souls are as Old as the Solar Universe itself, as they are nothing else but Tiny Conscious Reflections of the Desire Mind of the Unknowable Creator - Observer, who has been mostly referred to since ancient times in the Spiritual Human History as the venerable MOST HIGH, whom the Learned Ancient Vedic Seers and Sages [Rishi - Munis] referred to as the unknowable Tatta or Tat Purusha. And apart from these 7 conscious differentiations, his 3 Main Desire Mind Synthesizing differentiations have been referred to since ancient times in the Spiritual Human History as the HOLY TRINITY. This total group of 10 Main Conscious Differentiations of the Desire Mind of the Unknowable Creator - Observer Logos has been named in Sanskrit as the Das Prajapatis or the Ten Planetary Scheme Logos, meaning the 10 Huge Conscious Entities of Our Solar universe, who play a Vital Energy Distribution Role, existing as Co-Creators, in the Conscious Expansion Scheme of Our Current Solar Universe, related to the activities of Desire Mind as put in place in the Dense Dimensional Zone or in the Ethereal Space of Vital Cosmic Ether termed in Sanskrit as Maha Akasha according to the Plan and Purpose of the unknowable Most High. The Radius of Influence of these 10 Planetary Scheme Logos [Prajapatis], has been named as Huge Dimensional Spheres known as Sephirots in Kabala, having further Differentiations into sub divisions, which in their totality compose the Tree of Life known and referred to in Sanskrit Language since ancient times in the Spiritual Human History as the Kalpa Vriksha. Now as Most of this ancient Knowledge and Wisdom has been LOST to the Mankind, who in their Incarnated Human Forms is having only a segmented Conscious portion of their WHOLE SELF or the SOUL, incarnated as limited Conscious PERSONALITY beings, due to CORRUPT ACTIVITIES OF THESE SO CALLED INVISIBLE GODS AND GODDESSES [ANGELIC BEINGS having their own counterpart Evolution parallel to Human Beings], who were put as the invisible CARETAKERS of the Human Evolution in the the 3 Lower Most Dimensional Sphere of this Planet Earth, which are known as the TRILOKAS, as they themselves went ASTRAY from the PLAN AND PURPOSE of the UNKNOWABLE CREATOR - OBSERVER of the Solar Universe, which is based upon the universal law of WILL TO DO GOOD. The Great Seers, Sages, Prophets, Avataras and Illuminated Saints now venerated as HOLY BEINGS in various Faiths and Sects of Human Races, knowing this Supreme Fact that all Souls are as Old as the Solar Universe itself, as they are nothing else but Tiny Conscious Reflections of the Desire Mind of the Unknowable Creator - Observer, incarnated themselves as VOLUNTEERS [SVYAMBHU in Sanskrit] upon the Lowest Most Dense Plane of this Planet Earth, at Different Times of NEED to propagate message of LOVE and PEACE to make this dense plane of PLANET EARTH as a place of JOYFUL HAPPINESS FOR ALL, but found a GREAT RESISTANCE during their incarnated lives due to the ILLEGAL CONTROL OF THIS EARTH PLANE BY SO CALLED INVISIBLE GODS AND GODDESSES who were originally put in place as Servant Co - Creator Caretakers by the MOST HIGH ....who unfortunately went ASTRAY and developed UNDESIRABLE DEFORMED AND MUTATED CONSCIOUSNESS, and thus started taking PLEASURE IN THE BLOOD SACRIFICES OF INNOCENT CREATURES. But after departure these DEFORMED MIND CONTROLLERS made huge INSTITUTIONS upon this physical plane as the New Centers of Faiths and religions, which over the passing of time ultimately became STORE HOUSES OF CORRUPTION, ILLEGALLY INVOLVED IN CONTROL OF HUMAN BEINGS EVOLVING CONSCIOUSNESS through POWER and MONEY. So when you look at another incarnated human beings as an OLD SOUL OR A NEW SOUL....always remember this FACT that you are just looking at a tiny extended part of his SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS and not the WHOLE. Jai Ho. Vashisht Vaid.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 14:40:10 +0000

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