What is the Real name of the Messiah Defaming The - TopicsExpress


What is the Real name of the Messiah Defaming The Messiah The name of Jesus is a 400 year old name approximately, because the English language never had the letter J till then. This is very important, because it says in the Bible by one name only shall you be saved. So it becomes frightfully important. Because it is a recent name not known by THE ALMIGHTY. In fact the Original King James Bible had the name Iesus inside. This is also a historical record of the fact the name Jesus is a very modern name in terms of history. Then on the flip side of the subject, we have the Greek god Zeus who is a representation of The Sun god who is The Devil as known by ancient cultures. Here below is some information on the subject, but take into account no name beginning with the letter J can be attributed to THE ALMIGHTY. So the name Jehovah cannot be the name of THE ALMIGHTY of Jeshua. We have a clue to THE NAME OF THE ALMIGHTY, from the scripture and the word Hallelujah=HALLELUYAH which means Praise YAH, so YAH is his name. So what was the name of THE MESSIAH Yashua, Yesu, or YAHSHUA even because he came in his fathers name. Im not sure of THE MESSIAHs name but I am sure YAH would have been who the people in the old Testament prayed too and THE MESSIAH himself. Personally I pray to YAH in the name of your son YAHSHUA. Please read following information its very interesting. The Name Jesus is a Dishonour to the Jewish Messiah Why ? Defaming The Messiah Defaming the Christ with a Pagan Name. Replacing his Hebrew name with a pagan Greek name that honours a pagan god. The Messiahs True Name Originally, the name of the Messiah was , pronounced Yahushua or (Yehoshua). This is the Messiahs original name. ...the Messiahs name is actually the same name as Joshua, Son of Nun... correctly pronounced Yahushua. It is quite evident that the modern form Jesus doesnt even remotely resemble the original name that the disciples used.. This is a fact. Jesus Christ....Matthew (1:21) interprets the name originally as Jehoshua, that is, Jehovah is Salvation, -Encyclopedia Americana (Vol.16, p. 41) The name Jesus is NOT a derivative of YHWH (Jehovah). There is great cause for alarm when this hybrid Greek name is being plied onto Messiah because not only is it NOT the sanctified given name of Yeshua (Jehoshua) but prophetic and sanctified unity within the Word of YHWH is lost! Early Christo-Pagans syncretized Greek culture into Greek Christianity, which smoothed the way for Christo-Paganism to become the state religion. -Is the name Jesus holy? Baruch Ben Daniel They (the Graeco-Roman World) had worshipped Zeus as the supreme deity. Their savior was Zeus, so now they were ready to accept Jehoshua as Jesus - Iesous, meaning - hail Zeus. Now our translated scriptures say that Jahwahs (Jehovahs)Sons name is Jesus, which is a compound word made up of Ie and Zeus (Hail Zeus). -The Origin of Christianity by A.B. Traina This name of the true Messiah, Jahshuwah (Jehoshua), being Hebrew, was objectionable to the Greeks and Romans, who hated the Judeans (Jews), and so it was deleted from the records, and a new name inserted. Jahshuwah (Jehoshua) was thus replaced by Ie-Sous (hail Zeus), now known to us as Jesus. -The Origin of Christianity by A.B. Traina It is simply amazing to think that all these years, hundreds of years, mankind has been calling the Saviour by the wrong name!! Its hard to give up the name of Jesus because its so deeply ingrained in us and much has been said and done in that name. -Gospel of The Kingdom True Names and Title Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley 1931 - Ohio USA Some scholars think that Jesus name was corrupted by the early Roman Apostasy - in order to make his name look more Graeco - Roman rather than Jewish. After the Apostles and Jesus had been removed from the Jewish scene - Rome took over the Christian Faith and attempted to Mould and conform it to her own Graeco-Roman heritage and Flavour. Zeus was one of the most popular gods at that time. And conjecture has it that perhaps Jesus name was changed to please the pagans in the empire - who were reluctant to accept the New Faith - of the Roman Emperor. Look at some of the Findings It is known that the Greek name endings with sus, seus, and sous were attached by the Greeks to names and geographical areas as means to give honour to their supreme deity, Zeus. -Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend Professor J. C. J. Metford In the 1611 KJ New Testament the name Yahshua (Yehoshua) appeared originally wherever the Messiah was spoken of. Yehoshua means Yehovahs (Jehovahs) Salvation. Later the Messiahs name was replaced with Iesus (Greek) which later in the 1600s it became Jesus starting with the new English letter J which was introduced at that time. Further, the Greek Iesus comes from the name Zeus, the ruling God in the Greek pantheon. -Gospel of The Kingdom True Names and Title Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley 1931 - Ohio USA Tarsus means Sweat of Zeus ... Dionysus means the Son of Zeus ... Hail Zeus no more IESOUS is Greek For Jesus meaning -- Hail Zeus Some authorities, who have spent their entire lives studying the origins of names believe that Jesus actually means - Hail Zeus! For Iesous in Greek IS Hail Zeus. Ie translates as Hail and sous or sus translates as Zeus. The English name Jesus, therefore, stems etymologically from Jupiter-Zeus the chief god of the ancient Greek Olympus. -Yeshua or Jesus -- Which? Biblical Research Institute; 1996 by Les Aron Gosling ‘Jesus’ is a transliteration of a Latin name Ioesus, pronounced heysus - which means nothing in Hebrew, but in Latin it means ‘Hail Zeus’. If Yahshua’s name had been transliterated into our language, it would have been closer to Joshua (or Jehoshua).. -Winds of Praise Broadcasting Believer or Follower? The Sound of the Shofar By Jon Thompson It is interesting to note - that throughout his life - Christ never did hear himself being called by that name - Jesus.... - Man’s Great Adventure, by Edwin W. Pharlow, professor of history, Ohio State University. It is known that the Greek name endings with sus, seus, and sous which are phonetic pronunciations for the chief Greek god of Olympus - were attached by the Greeks to names and geographical areas as means to give honour to their supreme deity, Zeus. -Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend by Professor J.C.J Melfurd (1983, pg 126) Zeus was a popular god in Graeco-Roman world Zeus was a popular god in Graeco-Roman world The name of YAHshua has been replaced by the names of G-zeus (Jesus), meaning Hail Zeus (Iesus, and Iesous) which are pagan in origin. -Seek God The True name of Christ research reveals that the name Jesus is linked to the Greek Sun-god Zeus -COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, by C. J. Koster Jesus. That was a name given to him by the early church many years after His death. They wanted to remove any Jewishness from the new church. They eliminated His Jewish name and blended the name of Zeus into the Christian church to make it comfortable for all those who previously worshipped the Greek and Roman gods. It made it easier for the pagans to become Christians. Since Zeus was the top god of their experience, attaching the name Ioesus to Yahshua gave Him top priority in the worship hierarchy. -Winds of Praise Broadcasting Believer or Follower? The Sound of the Shofar By Jon Thompson This new church adopted various deities from the heathen, and discarded the Most High (Jehovah) of the Israelite Scriptures, and they also discarded His blessed Son, Jahshuwah. -Story of the Christian church, Hurlbut p 43. The pagans of Greece and Rome had worshipped Zeus as the supreme deity. Their savior was Zeus, so now they were eager to accept Jesus as Iesous, or Zeus as their saviour. - The Origin of Christianity by A.B. Traina Our translated scripture says that Jahwahs Sons name is Jesus, a compound word of Ie and Zeus. The messiahs true name - Jahshuwah - was replaced by Ie-Sous (praise or hail Zeus), now known to us as Jesus. - The Origin of Christianity by A.B. Traina The Hebrews called their coming Savior, the Messiah, Jahshuawah. The disciples of the Savior accepted Him as such, and to them He was also known as Jahshuwah the Messiah. The Greeks, however, rejected the Hebrew name, and called Him (IESOUS-Jesus) instead. - The Origin of Christianity by A.B. Traina The plan of the Greeks was simple, they merely dropped the Hebrew terminology of names which referred to the Hebrew deity, and substituted the name, or letters, referring to the name of the supreme deity, Zeus. -The Faith Magazine Volume 69 It has been all along well enough known that the Greeks occasionally worshipped the supreme deity under the title of Zeus the Saviour. . . - The Two Babylons Dr. Alexander Hislop HAIL ZEUS - NO MORE ! Hail Zeus no more HAIL ZEUS - NO MORE ! The time of ignorance is over. It is time to return to using the rightful Hebrew Name of Christ - Jehoshua Toss away your excuses for hanging onto the J-Zeus error. Jehovah God is determined that all those requesting salvation from Christ, must address him in an honourable way. This is a legitimate and mandatory decree by Jehovah God Himself. Even Christ will no longer permit his name to be dishonoured. Take heed - it is a sure requirement - and will be evident when Christ is revealed to mankind in the very near future. The only Savior in the Scripture is Jahshuwah, (or Jehoshua) - the Son of Jahwah (Jehovah). He came in His Fathers Name and by that we must adore Him. Away with the pagan name Iesous. Away with his heathen name Jesus, and instead exalt the Savior, Jahshuwah (Jehoshua) - the Son of Jahwah (Jehovah), by His own name. - The Origin of Christianity by A.B. Traina The Messiahs True Name Originally, the name of the Messiah was Hebrew name of the The Messiah , pronounced Yahushua or (Yehoshua). This is the Messiahs original name. ...the Messiahs name is actually the same name as Joshua, Son of Nun... correctly pronounced Yahushua. It is quite evident that the modern form Jesus doesnt even remotely resemble the original name that the disciples used.. This is a fact. Jesus Christ....Matthew (1:21) interprets the name originally as Jehoshua, that is, Jehovah is Salvation, -Encyclopedia Americana (Vol.16, p. 41) the name of Christ in the New Testament means “Jehovah is salvation.” This comes from the same Hebrew word translated Joshua or Jehoshua in the Old Testament. It also means “Jehovah is salvation.” This means that the name of Jesus should have been translated into English as “Joshua (or Jehoshua)” -Jesus and Joshua Had the Same Hebrew Name * The Name Of Jesus; By Paul Rusnak Christ name....In the Septuagint it was the common Hebrew name Joshua (or Jehoshua). -Encyclopedia Britannica - 15th Edition (Vol. 10 p.149) The name Joshua (or Jehoshua) derives its greatest importance and highest sanctity from the fact that it was sacredly chosen as the name to be borne by the Messiah.. --Personal Names in the Bible by Dr. W.F. Wilkinson, M.A. Joint Editor of Webster and Wilkinsons Greek Testament: pages 342-343. Fulfilling Bible Prophecy USING CHRISTS REAL NAME IS THE ONLY WAY THAT WILL FULFILL THE WORDS OF THE PROPHET JOEL Joel 2:32: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of YAH shall be delivered.... Act 2:(16,17,21) but this is that which hath been spoken by the prophet Joel; .... in the last days, saith THE ALMIGHTY that whosoever shall call on the name of the YAH shall be saved. Romans 10:13 for, Whosoever shall call upon the name YAH shall be saved. Acts 4:10,12: be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Yahshua Hamashia of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom YAH raised from the dead....And in none other is there salvation: for neither is there any other name under heaven, that is given among men, wherein we must be saved. All the above scriptures will be fulfilled - only in the name of Yahshua. Since Yahovahs name is embedded in The Messiahs name - One can call upon the Messiah - and still be calling upon Yahovahs name as well. THE JEWISH MESSIAH RETURN TO HIS TRUE NAME The only Savior in the Scripture is Jahshuwah, the Son of Jahwah (Jehovah). He came in His Fathers Name and by that we must adore Him. Away with the pagan name Iesous. Away with his heathen name Jesus, and instead exalt the Savior, Jahshuwah, the Son of Jahwah (Jehovah), by His own name. - The Origin of Christianity by A.B. Traina Psalms 118:26 Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the YAH: we have blessed you out of the house of the YAH. Matthew 21:9: And the multitudes that went before him, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the YAH; Hosanna in the highest. Matthew 21:9 is very interesting because of the word Hosanna it is a Greek word and I got the meaning from strongs. Definition: an exclamation of adoration: - hosanna. Hosanna is a translation of the Hebrew word yâsha is means to save or salvation. Listen to how Hosanna sounded in Hebrew by passing you mouse over the underlined word Hosanna. The word YAHSHUA means YAH is salvation. The word Hosanna means to save or salvation. But when it was spoken back then it sounded a lot like YAHSHUA. To me it sounds like Jasher or Yasher. But if you really listen its Yahsher. Roll the mouse over it one more time. Hosanna. the Hebrew name.....Jehoshua, means Jehovah is Salvation. -The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. 8, p. 374 Not only is the name of Jesus the same as Zeus but also the image. can this be just coincidence? Jesus Zeus A Christian image of Jesus A statue of The Greek god Zeus The Messiah says Matthew 23:39: For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the YAH. Luke 19:38: saying, Blessed is the King that cometh in the name of the YAH: John 12:12: On the morrow a great multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Yahshua was coming to Jerusalem, John 12:13: took the branches of the palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried out, Hosanna: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the YAH, even the King of Israel. John 5:43: I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. Home Site Map
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 10:32:11 +0000

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