What is the best ghost evidence available? Is it hazy photographs? - TopicsExpress


What is the best ghost evidence available? Is it hazy photographs? Fleeting shapes on video that are there one moment...and gone to the next? Orbs, or unexplainable events on film? Or what about genuine human experiences with apparitions? Do they provide real PROOF that life continues on after death, or are they all just another mass of hard to understand and interpret evidence of something that cant quite be The truth is, there is A LOT of good evidence that seems to suggest that ghosts or apparitions are real. Often, for example...multiple people see the VERY same apparitions, which is hard to discount as imagination or hallucination. (as its actually more unrealistic to believe that total strangers can share in a visual hallucination that appears exactly in the same way, then it is that what they each saw independently, really WAS there) Some of the very clear EVP recordings are very evidential - as again, they are digital documentation of something that can be studied, picked apart and analyzed using the same technology we use to PROVE other things in a court of law, for example. Pictures, video and all of that stuff is very evidential as well...but the truth is, in my view anyway, a bit less so, simply due to what we DONT know about the true underlying physics of reality. There are many, many viable alternative explanations for ghosts that are actually quite good and DONT point to a life after death hypothesis - such as magnetic fields, poltergeist or PK activity emanating from living people, (often teenage girls) and lots of other stuff that is interesting and cool to study, but definitely 100% natural in origin.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:32:37 +0000

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