What is the best government? Karl Marx did not create the concept - TopicsExpress


What is the best government? Karl Marx did not create the concept of Communism, nor Jefferson and the founder fathers create the idea of a Constitutional Republic. Democracy was developed in the Greek city-state of Athens and before this philosophers paved the way. It evolved into a democratic republic under the Romans & they formed the Constitution of the Roman Republic. The constant altering of the Constitution led to distrust and they favored their decadence over national stability, this led to collapse. Communal and social living dates back to indigenous tribes where the chief had the final say. Disagreements between the people and the chief led to splits in tribal families and even war. During the Renaissance these events inspired the discussion of a socialist society with further reaching mass influence, as well as, democratic ideas. These concepts through intense debate & war created the well known authors we know today and yet we forget where these ideas came from. None of these "Systems" of governing were ever perfect or without war or famine. None of them provided the perfect insulation against conflict from inside the community or outside forces who were stronger and more advanced. None of them were above decaying from within when simple ethics and the preservation of human worth was discarded. Nothing man made is ever without flaw. Which of these is so perfect that all others who believe in something different are less human and not as worthy of their natural rights? None. So what system is so great it warrants the murder of thousands, not to mention the millions we have seen in our history? None of them. If you think you have it all together and your views are so enlightened that you do not have to hear an opposing view, congratulations, your mind set is right up their with the despots and tyrants of our history before they became monsters. In a republic who elects representatives to preserve a free market and individual freedoms; what happens when the elected lie, do the opposite once in office and then refuse to listen to those who elected them? Under a system where the state regulates and controls the distribution of resources, what happens when the state becomes corrupt? The question has never been, what party or system is above them all. The question is, how can people live in such a way that individual liberty is respected. It was never about, "How can we not offend anyone?" There are people who will act offended just to get what they want. It is about striving for character and providing opportunity so the willing can grow. There will always be the unwilling who refuse to grow when there is opportunity and there will always be the willing who grow despite impossible odds. In the middle of all this are people who truly need help & they get forgotten. It was never about, "How can the powers that be give me what I want". It is about how can we become productive members of society so we can help our neighbor who is in need. It was never about defending a system or leader as if they could do no wrong, we all have the capability to be wrong. It is about being willing to expose evil, even if its your friend who does it. Demonizing one and staying silent when someone we like does the same thing is the highest form of complicity. Its about humanity. Will we kill each other before we have the chance to fend off the next extinction event? What is the best government? To answer this we must first learn to govern ourselves. God bless your journey.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 21:31:14 +0000

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