What is the bug life cycle? In which part u involved? Bug Life - TopicsExpress


What is the bug life cycle? In which part u involved? Bug Life Cycle: Bug life Cycle will start in execution phase. The different status are, 1)New 2)Open 3)Fixed 4)Defect Rejected 5)Works as Designed 6)Fix Rejected 7)Deferred 8)Closed 9)Reopen Is bug life cycle and defect life cycle are same? Once a tester finds a bug he will open it with status as "New". If it is a valid bug then developer change the status to "Open" else he will change the status as "Defect Rejected". Once he fix the defect then he wil change the status to "Fixed". Then tester will test those Fixed defects. If the bug is really fixed then tester will change the status to "Closed". Else he can reject the defect "Fix Rejected". If suppose in regression the Closed defect is not working, then tester can change it to "Reopen". IF assigned bug is an existing issue, then the developer will change the status to "Deferred" (which will be fixed in future release). Bug can be defined as application error and Defect can be defined as the one which is deviated from requirement .when the Life cycle comes its like same we raise a Bug and that will be logged in to Tracking tool ,will be assigned to Concern person and resolves the issue ,then Retest and Close or Reopen the Bug .The same Cycle will proceeds for Defect ,but The defination wise it is different . ________________________________________ stub: In top down approach,a core module is developed.To test that core module, small dummy modules are used.so stubs are small dummy modules that test the core module. Driver: In bottom up approach, small modules are developed. To test them a dummy core module Is called driver. SRS: Software Requirements Specification . Srs is prepared by Software Analyst. They implement the BRS iN preparation of Srs. BRS: Business Requirement Specification. BRS is given by Client . It tells the business Logics . EX: hOW TO CALICULATE commission AND ON WHICH COMPONENT LIKE TAHT . What kind of things does one need to know before manual testing projects? Software Requirement Specification. What kinds of testing do you know? What is it system testing? What is it integration testing? What is a unit testing? What is a regression testing? Integration testing: Integration testing is testing of combined parts of an application to determine if they function together correctly. The parts can be code modules, individual applications, client and server applications on a network, etc. This type of testing is especially relevant to client/server and distributed systems. System testing: System testing is black-box type testing that is based on overall requirements specifications. It covers all combined parts of a system. Regression testing : Regression testing is re-testing after fixes or modifications of the software or its environment. It can be difficult to determine how much re-testing is needed, especially near the end of the development cycle. Automated testing tools can be especially useful for this type of testing. Unit testing: Unit testing is the most micro scale of testing which is testing particular functions or code modules. Typically done by the programmer and not by testers, as it requires detailed knowledge of the internal program design and code ________________________________________ There are so many types of testing is there.They are Functionality Testing,Usability Testing,Reliability Testing,Regression Testing,Performance Testing,Scalability Testing,Compatiblity Testing Etc... System Testing: It is also called as End To End Testing.The main objective of system testing is to discover the errors when the sysytem is tested as a whole. Integaration Testing: The main objective of integration testing is to discover the errors between the modules and sub systems.Generally Integration testing is used for client/server applications.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 17:19:06 +0000

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