What is the essence of the eighty-four thousand schools of - TopicsExpress


What is the essence of the eighty-four thousand schools of teachings taught by the Buddha? In sum, they can be condensed into three fundamentals, namely, the mind of renunciation, bodhicitta and realization of the natural state of emptiness. Only with a thorough understanding and a detailed contemplation about the Four External Preliminaries can our mind of renunciation be properly developed, otherwise its maturation is beyond the question since there is no possibility for the mind of renunciation to appear on its own. Since without a mind of renunciation there is no way to arouse our bodhicitta, without which in turn there is no way to achieve enlightenment. Therefore, an effective reflection and meditation on the Four External Preliminaries are of key importance. There is no possibility for any living being who hasn’t the mind of renunciation and bodhicitta to succeed in rebirth in the Blissful World or other buddhafields. The practice of the Four External Preliminaries is the basic means to cultivate our mind of renunciation, our disgust for this painful samsara. The Five Internal Preliminaries Taking refuge is the foundation stone and prerequisite of all paths; arousing bodhicitta the root of the Great Vehicle which is the very motivation of all Bodhisattvas; meditating and reciting on the teacher as Vajrasattva with sincere confessions to cleanse all obscurations which have been accumulated since the beginningless time; offering the mandala the most extraordinary method to accumulate merit and wisdom; doing prostrations with a pure motivation the token of our veneration to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas so as to gather up merit and wisdom to their perfection. 佛陀所宣講的八萬四千法門的核心內容是什麼呢?歸納起來就是出離心和菩提心,再加上證悟空性。這四個法學習理解透徹,會生起出離心;沒有將這四個外加行思維好,絕不可能生起出離心。自然而然就生起出離心是不可能的。 沒有出離心不可能有菩提心,沒有菩提心不可能證悟空性,所以必須修好四個外加行。 沒有出離心和菩提心,要去極樂世界或者其他淨土也是不可能的。而培養出離心的基本方法就是四個外加行。五個內加行:“皈依”是大乘佛法的前提;“發心”要具備大乘菩薩的發心、沒有菩提心不算大乘佛法;“懺悔業障”通過修金剛薩埵,將我們無始以來造下的無數罪業,懺悔清淨;“供曼紮”是積累資糧和福報最殊勝的方法;而“大禮拜”是禮敬諸佛菩薩,發清淨心,圓滿智慧的資糧。
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 00:49:34 +0000

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