What is the meaning of INTERCESSION ? ASH-SHAFAAH (Intercession) - TopicsExpress


What is the meaning of INTERCESSION ? ASH-SHAFAAH (Intercession) is derived from ash-shaf which means even as opposed to odd - the interceder adds his own recommendation to the plea of the petitioner ; in this way the number of pleaders becomes even, and the weak plea of the petitioner is strengthened by the prestige of the intercessor . We are accustomed in our social and and communal life to seek otherss intercession and help for fulfilling our needs . We resort to it to get advantage or to ward off a disadvantare . Here we are not talking about an advantage or a disadvantage , a benefit or a harm that is caused by natural causes like hunger and thirst , heat or cold , illness or health ; because in such cases we get what we want through its natural remedies , like eating and drinking , wearing clothes , getting treatment and so on . What we are talking here is about the benefit and harm , punishment and reward resulting from the social law made br civil authorities . When a man wants to get a material or spiritual benefit but is not suitably qualified for it ; or when he desires to ward off a harm which is coming to him because of his disobedience , but has no shield to protect himself , then comes the time for INTERCESSION . But it is effective only if the person for whom one intercedes is otherwise qualified to get the reward and has already established a relationship with the authority . In an ignorant friend desires appointment to a prestigious academic post of a dean , no intercession can do him any good , nor can it avail in case of a rebellious traitor who shows no remorse for his misdeeds and does not submit to the lawful authorities . It clearly shows that intercession works as a supplement to the cause ; it is not an independent cause . Intercession must have a solid ground to stand upon .
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 17:20:18 +0000

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