What is the meaning of Khas Chhetri that pepple use as surname - TopicsExpress


What is the meaning of Khas Chhetri that pepple use as surname chhetry(khadka, thapa,kc(khatri chetry),karki,katwal,basnet,kuwar,etc....and other chetry surnames in Nepal? The surname Khatri Chhetri in actual is the misinterpretation of the original name Katyuris Kshatriyas, which eventually changed a long time back . So, Katyuri changed into Khatri and Kshatriyas changed into Chhetri . In the ancient time , the chettris were known as Khas . Now i am going to prove our origin , which i dugged out of the world wide web pages and in reference to some of the books that i had a luck to have a deep glimpse at . People of Nepal who dont like us had been making a lot of rumours about our origin like : Chhetris of Nepal are the Aryans of India who slowly moved to Nepal , sometimes they link us with the Indians which used to hurt me a lot , both mentally and psycologically . These all assumptions were based upon THE ARYAN INVASION THEORY (Ill write about this theory in my next blog soon and write about the failure/non-exsistance of this theory too). It is the Aryan Invasion Theory that had denied the indigenoous origin and evolution of Nepals Khas religion,culture and heritage. So the failure of Aryan Invasion Theory proves that Khas(Chhetri) of nepal are the people who has got a embedded history of their forefathers in nepal, which is merely discussed . On the other hand , Aryans are described as blue-eyed , white Aryans,a northern European physio-type , nomadic and brutal which doesnt match with the characterists of Khas. Whereas , Khas are described as usually tall, handsome, fair complexioned, with long head , vertical forehead, fine nose(which people of nepal call chuche naak), hazed eyes, well cut hair and proportioned features , and kind , helpful and cheerful by nature . This is the characteric difference between the Aryan and tha Khas people of nepal . So all the wobbling i did in the immediate above two paragraphs is just to symbolise that the notation that Khas are Aryans was always baseless, today on the wikipedia or anywhere on the web , you can find that the Aryan invasion theory was wrong , and hence proved that all the Khas are the indigenous people of Nepal . And all the Khas(Chhetri) guys , if someone picks you up calling you Aryan -linking with indians , this is what you need to say , or direct those (little knowledge is dangerous) type of people to this blogspot of mine which i have only created for all the Khas people of Nepal. Also, in the history , most population amongst the people of Nepals mid- mountainous area were Khas. Top antropologists like Gerald D Berreman, Dor Bahadur Bistha and Dinest Prasad Saklani have mentioned in their research papers that the Central Himalayan bend(mid-western to far-western part of Nepal were occupied by Khas from the ancient times. The Khas had been dominant inhabitants in the hills of Central Himalaya and they played important role in the history of the egion by establishing many independents dynasties ruling over the area in the early medieval times. Thats all for this post guys , if you have got any supporting and interesting facts that you know about Khas(Chhetris) of nepal , then please post it on this blogspot. More to come in future , in this blog page , so keep tuning in whenever possible . Jai Nepal. So, this post is my attempt to let all the khas chhetry around the world to know about our origin , which i was unaware of before i started digging out this fact about our ancestors . Come together , join me in this blogspot and we can rebuild up our , about to be forgotten history of our kind
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 15:38:45 +0000

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