What is the meaning of life? Well, for those who don’t believe - TopicsExpress


What is the meaning of life? Well, for those who don’t believe in God, this is a trick question, because without God, our lives are finite, forgettable, and ultimately meaningless. In order to answer the question of the meaning of life with any certainty whatsoever, we must first make the assumption that our lives have been given meaning by something greater than ourselves. That is a fact and a prerequisite for answering this question by all means bar none. We do know that our universe will last for billions of years after we have come and gone. With the death of the last human being in about two billion years’ time, the meaning of each and every single one of our lives will necessarily equal 0.000,000,000 with not one single integer besides zero being written beyond. Without a God to record and remember our lives, the meaning of said lives is absolutely nothing. Therefore, if your curiosity in the matter means anything, then let me assure you that in order to answer this question with a single word other than “Zilch,” “Zero,” “Nothing,” “Nada,” or the equivalent thereof in any language known to mankind or to any species throughout any universe that has ever existed, you must first make the assumption that God exists.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 01:48:16 +0000

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