What is the mindset that attracts resources? It is a mindset that - TopicsExpress


What is the mindset that attracts resources? It is a mindset that sees solutions to problems. There is the story of two shoe sales people who were sent to prospect in some parts of ancient Africa about the possibilities of setting up shoe factories. One returned and said, ‘it’s of no use. They don’t wear shoes. It will be a complete waste of resources to go there. ‘The other seeing exactly the same thing said, It’s a great opportunity. They don’t wear shoes. It will be the best investment we ever made.An abundant mind is what made Michael Jordan one of basketballs greatest even after he had been dropped from his school basketball team. An abundant mind is what made Thomas Edison become one of the greatest inventors of all time despite the fact that his teacher labeled him as too stupid to learn anything. An abundant mind is what made Abraham Lincoln continue in his quest even after losing election after election. An abundant mind made Donald Trump bounce back after a personal debt of 900 million dollars. An abundant mind is what is making you read this right now. Don’t take yourself at face value. There is more to you than meets the eye. Do have an abundantly blessed week!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 10:08:14 +0000

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