What is the most challenging part of the role for each of - TopicsExpress


What is the most challenging part of the role for each of you? Rhoswen: Outside of the technical challenges of performing the show as a whole, for me the most difficult part of the role is the emotional rollercoaster. In rehearsals, we have laughed cried and then cried some more! It is obviously pretty difficult for us as a real life couple to try and imagine that situation so the emotional stuff has definitely been difficult. Alex: I agree - the end scene is tough, very tough, and even though staging-wise it is probably one of the least complicated in the show, the emotion really gets to you, so it takes a lot of control. For me, learning the role of Sam is difficult because it’s like no other; nobody reacts to you and apart from Oda Mae, nobody can hear you, so learning the cue lines has been a challenge to make sure they are correct and in the right place – there’s no room for a slip up!
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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