"What is the point of life? Is this all there is?" We sometimes - TopicsExpress


"What is the point of life? Is this all there is?" We sometimes ponder such questions when hard things come our way. On behalf of my beloved, Mitch Flowers, here is a message he wanted you to know, in the eulogy I gave for him one year ago: Well, it is a very sad day for me to be here. This is not where I want to be right now. Maybe later, but not so soon. Not at this time. Not now. The Bible says we are dead in our trespasses and sin. Not just unaware of our trespasses and sin. Not asleep, but dead. Stone dead. When we’re dead, we do not have the inspiration of God’s breath in us. We are hard-hearted. Our life giving blood does not pump through us anymore. This is NOT the way God wants it for us. Death was not “created” by God. He wishes that all men would have life. Abundant life. Eternal life. Mitch knew that and spent his whole life letting people know about that. Are you weary, as Mitch was at the end, with how life is going for you? Have you had set-backs, hardships, grief and illness? God knows. He tells us not to be weary in well-doing, not to be weary in this kind of “walking.” Some of us are so weary. Like Mitch, we can’t even walk some times, can’t take the next step. It is too painful, and we slump down exhausted. But God says that, in due time, we will “run and not grow faint.” Be not faint-hearted. Give your heart to God. Let Him renew His inspiration in your life. He knows you and all you are facing today. Mitch did this. He was not “dead in his trespasses and sin.” He was forgiven. By God’s grace, he was forgiven of all his trespasses, all his sins. And he was excited about it. The world is divided. I do not mean divided by geography or politics. I mean there is a great divide, a schism between this life and the heavenly world where God is. We do not see our adversary pleading to test us, but he does. Will we pass this test? We do not see God’s confidence in us. He already knows He’ll give us His spirit, His inspiration, His breath to fill our sails. Revelation tells us “there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.” Scripture reminds us that these “first things” will be the thing that passes. Not us. We yearn for God to say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Even when Mitch was sick, he was well. His death is not permanent. Mitch just “tacked” in this life—changed his course to an eternal destination—for I am confident he is now with Jesus, with His lifelong Inspiration. Mitch Flowers was a devoted husband and father, a gentle and caring man deeply passionate about life, a hard-working minister and teacher, and my husband of 33 years. He was a unique man of God who walked in His ways even to his last breath when his heart burst. I loved him to the end.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 04:07:19 +0000

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