What is the purpose why God created us? Find out by watching this - TopicsExpress


What is the purpose why God created us? Find out by watching this video and we will be able to know what is the ultimate purpose of our life here on earth. The Purpose of Creation Each creation has its own purpose of existence. If a creation were to lose its purpose of existence, it would have to be discarded. Then if the purpose of existence is So vital, what is mans purpose of existence? The purpose of existence is not determined by the created being itself; the true purpose is determined by its creator. Therefore by finding out what Gods purpose of creation is, we can then understand the true purpose of man and the universe. God is eternal, unchanging and unique; therefore His will (or purpose of creation) is also eternal, unchanging and unique. Before creating the universe, God first had an ideal within Him and then He began to create. Then what was His purpose of creation? We can see in Genesis I that whenever God made a new species of creation He said it was good to behold. Thus, we can say God created the world in order to feel happiness or joy. How is joy produced? Joy is not created by the individual alone. Joy comes when we have an object, whether invisible or visible, in which we see our own nature reflected and feel the stimulation derived from the object. Therefore, God created man and the universe as His substantial objects so that he could feel His own original nature through His substantial objects. Out of Gods deep concern for mans life He commanded Adam and Eve, . . of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die (Gen. 2:17). In this commandment, God expressed His will and heart of love for man. Therefore, we can see that man is created as an object of love to respond the most directly to Gods will and heart. Thus, since man was created as Gods direct object and His child, God gave man dominion over the world. Gen. 1:28 states the essence of the purpose of Gods creation of man, the three great blessings: and God blessed them and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply; and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion. . . Since the fundamental base upon which God can operate is the Four Position Foundation, the purpose of His creation-Gods source of joy is realized when man completes the four positions, fulfilling the three blessings centering around Gods ideal of love. Gods first blessing is that of individual perfection. By performing proper Give and Take Action between his mind and body centering around God, uniting them into one, man forms an individual foundation of four positions and becomes the temple of God (I Cor. 3:16). When such perfected individuals become completely one with God in heart (John 14:20), they constantly think and live centering around God, thus achieving deity and becoming the fruit of Gods vertical love. When man achieves Gods first blessing, they will naturally share all Gods feeling as their own. It would be absolutely impossible for such men to commit a crime for they would indeed feel the grief they would cause God by doing so; rather, such men would only want to be perfect objects of Gods joy. Gods second blessing for Adam and Eve was that after attaining individual perfection, they become eternal husband and wife, perfecting the heavenly family, multiplying children of goodness, thus completing the family foundation of four positions centering around God. For Adam and Eve to become eternal husband and wife under Gods vertical love means that Gods love is perfected in the horizontal plane. In addition, Gods giving them the right and ability to multiply Gods children means that God is permitting man to experience with his children the same joy that God experiences in His vertical love for us. If Adam and Eve had attained perfection, forming the first family and giving birth to children of goodness, they would have become the true father and mother of all mankind, centering around God, thus becoming the eternal true parents and ancestors of mankind. From this true family as a base, a true society, true nation and true world would have been realized. This is Gods will. If Adam and Eve had created such a family and world, it would have been the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. The third blessing God gave to man signified mans qualification to have dominion over the whole creation. God made man as a microcosm of the structures, functions and essential qualities of all things which He had previously created. Thus, the world of creation was to be the substantial object of man and man was to feel joy when he felt his own nature reflected through the created things which resemble him. The world where the three blessings are realized is the ideal world in which God and man, as well as man and the creation, are in complete harmony. Such a world is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. As will be described later, man was meant in the beginning to live on earth a life of total oneness with God, the true being of life and goodness. After such a life on earth, upon his physical death he would then pass into the spiritual world where he would automatically be in the spiritual Kingdom of Heaven. There he would live eternally under the perfect dominion of Gods love. The Kingdom of Heaven is the world resembling an individual who has attained perfection. In man, the minds command is transmitted to the whole body through the central nervous system, thus causing the body to act toward one purpose. Thus, in the Kingdom of Heaven, Gods will is conveyed to all His children through the true ancestors of mankind, and under the ideal of God, causing all to work toward one purpose. Just as no part of the body would ever rebel against a nerves command, perfect man would feel no antagonism or rebellion against Gods dominion of love. Such a world would have not one iota of contradiction or crime. DIVINE PRINCIPLE (unification.net/dp96/)
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 12:29:41 +0000

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