What is the reality of life? Is it the summation of ideating, - TopicsExpress


What is the reality of life? Is it the summation of ideating, conceptualizing, thinking, sensing, perceiving, learning, believing or just going through some actions and motions from birth to death? We spend a lot of energy in all the objects that are the results of our thoughts, ideas, sensations, perceptions, beliefs and so on.. If we look at each one of them more closely, we will start seeing a new picture of life. All the above faculties collectively result in one thing called experience. Experiencing is the reality. You are aware that you have the experience of thinking. You are aware that you have the experience of sensing and perceiving. But if I ask you to show me your thought, you don’t know where to focus it as an object. Thought does not appear as an object. It does not remain constant. It keeps changing its color, mood and form. Similarly, none of your sensations like hearing, smelling or touching cannot be objectified. In the same way, our beliefs and perceptions are also not real. We try to convince ourselves that they are real. But we cannot establish any reality to it. They are fictitious amalgamations of our experience. The true reality is that we have a kaleidoscope of experiences in the field of our knowing or awareness. But we wrongly identify these formless manifestations of the knowing viz. thinking, sensing, believing, perceiving as our reality. If I ask you to show me your hearing, you cannot show me what it is. You know that you can hear if your ears are capable of sensing sound. You can explain your experience of the hearing with the thoughts you have. What you hear is “sound”. What is sound? There are many variables in sound.. You have named a particular kind of hearing as a given sound and you have many distinct variations of sound and all those are emanating from the names you gave for different kaleidoscopic experience of knowing that you can “hear”. Birds and animals can also hear different sounds. But can they distinguish different sounds by the names you have given? They may not even know they can hear. But they do hear. So what is the reality of this experience? Knowing or hearing? You hear because you know that you can hear. In deep sleep, you don’t hear anything even when you have all the senses and brain faculties of hearing. So, knowing the hearing is the reality. When you can’t know, you can’t hear! Knowing or being aware is the key to our reality of life. That is the center of our being. But we get so much attached to the manifestations of this knowing as hearing and subsequently as sounds. We get confused between knowing and hearing. We tend to accept hearing as knowing. Then we get so much deeply attached to those sounds and we move into addictions from these sensations. We forget that the fundamental reality is the fact that we are aware that we can “ hear”. Instead, we get so much obsessed with what is heard and we spend all the energy in analyzing the “heard”. This is what I call going astray. This is why we lose awareness of our true self and get lost unconsciously and indifferently in what is the outcome and not in what really the origin is of this outcome. We have gone astray from the center of our being. In this center, your home is; your true self is. Call it God or Kingdom of Heaven or whatever you may like. The true reality of our life is in knowing and being aware of the kaleidoscope of all that is known as experience. Man has lost himself in differentiation of thoughts and ideas as if they were the most real experiences of life. Thoughts and beliefs are just some kind of manifestations of your energy for a given situation or understanding. It is precipitated by your awareness for the enjoyment of a bond between another form of awareness and you. The bond is the flow of love if you do not forget the fact that the knowing is the real experience and not the thoughts or beliefs or perceptions. Look at every instrument of communication and media around you. They all deal with the outcomes of different thoughts, sensation and perceptions. When we are perpetually evolving them they clash among themselves and fights for survival begin. The level of entropy in the system keeps increasing. Mankind has only succeeded in increasing the chaos in world. The world is synonymous with chaos. But there is an underlying thread of unification energy of cosmos in the ocean of chaos. This energy can be realized only when you “know”. All this chaos is seen in your awareness such that you can take this awareness to different forms of experiences. But the fundamental experience is your awareness and all of us are floating in the vast sky of awareness. We can’t escape from the ocean of awareness and secure any other independent space for ourselves. But our thoughts, senses, perceptions and beliefs want a certain kind of separation as compared to that of others. This sense of separation is illusory and we always fight among ourselves for the illusory achievements that emanate from the separate self other than the true self which is rooted in our awareness. This separate self is the origin of ego and the energy that drives you into more and more chaos even when you are preaching love and God as if you have a unique belief system, is the source of all evils. This is why in spite of all the religious believers on this earth, the chaotic behavior of the world is on the rise. It will keep rising. But as an individual you have a choice. That choice is to know that you are not your thoughts, ideas, perceptions or beliefs..You are what you know. Move into the field of knowing and be in the center of knowing. All that you know is the knowing. The knowing itself is you. Then you and your cosmos become one. This is the sky of awareness and you will have no fear once you find your center of awareness. With each experience in your life, you can meditatively move into this awareness and then a certain kind of fragrance will permeate your being and then you know what love is. Till then you are playing with ideas, concepts and belief systems that you may try and fail repeatedly.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 23:15:28 +0000

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