What is the ruling on the woman visiting the graves? All praise - TopicsExpress


What is the ruling on the woman visiting the graves? All praise is due to Allah Alone. Peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his family, Companions and those who follow his guidance. There are some confusion regarding this matter, as many people know that women are prohibited to visit the graves, some believe that they should visit the graves, and alike common people there are different views as well from the renowned scholars. As far as the references reached to us, the explanation is as below: [1]. Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz, Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol 3, Page 102, English Version, Darussalam Publication, it is mentioned regarding the question: What is the ruling on the woman visiting graves? Response: It is not permissible for women to visit the graves because the Messenger (salallahou ‘aleyhi wa salam) cursed the women who visited the graves. Also, because they are a Fitnah (source of trial and temptation) and they have very little patience. Therefore, from the mercy of Allah and His kindness is that He forbade visiting graves for them so that they would not be exposed to temptation, nor would they cause temptation for others. May Allah correct the situation of everyone. [2]. Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Ashqalani, Book Bulugh Al-Maram, Hadiths 472, 473; Page 187-188, English version, Darussalam publication, as he mentioned a hadith regarding the matter of women visiting the graves as below: 472:Narrated by Buriada bin Husaib Al-Aslami ra: Allah’s Messenger pbuh said: ‘I had forbidden you to visit the graves but you may now visit them(*1). Reported by Muslim. At-Tirmidhi added to the above: ‘For it reminds one about the Hereafter.’’ Ibn Majah added, from the hadith of Ibn Masud: ‘and it makes one overlook the worldly pleasures.’ #Note: (*1) The visiting of the graves falls within the category of that which is desirable and not that which is compulsory. However, visiting the graves one’s parents is certainly stressed upon. One should visit their graves and make supplications to Allah for them. 473:Narrated Abu Huraira ra: ‘Allah’s Messenger pbuh cursed(*2) the women who visits the graves.’ At-Tirmidhi recorded it and Ibn Hibban graded it sahih (authentic). #Note: (*2) There is a difference of opinion among the scholars whether or not women should go to visit the graves. It is better that the women do not go there. [3]. Minhaj Al-Muslim by Abu Bakr Jabir Al-Jaza,iry, Vol 2, Page 43-44, English version, Darussalam publication, as in it the explanation as below: There is no difference of opinion among the people of knowledge regarding the prohibition of women frequently returning to graves for the purpose of visiting them. This is because of the Prophet’s pbuh saying: ‘May Allah curse the women who visit the graves.’ As for infrequent visiting, some scholars disliked it, and others permit it basing their view on what has been authentically narrated that Aishah, may Allah be pleased with her, visited her brother’s (Abdur-Rahman’s) grave, when she was asked about it she said: ‘Yes, the Messenger pbuh had prohibited visiting of the graves, later, he permitted it.’’ Al-Hakim and Al-Baihaqi. At-Thahabi said it sahih. The scholars who have permitted women to visit graves stipulated that she should not commit any wrongs such as wailing over the grave, crying, going there improperly dressed, or imploring the deceased for anything as done by many ignorant women in more than one place and time. [4]. Islamic Fatawa regarding Women, by Muhammad bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Musnad, page 27-28, English version, Darussalam publication, in this book Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz was asked regarding women visiting the graves and aswer is explained as below: The visiting the graves is of two types. The first type is legally sanctioned and desired. This is to visit the graves in order to supplicate for the deceased and to ask for mercy for them, and also to remember death and prepare for the Hereafter. This is based o the hadith of the Prophet pbuh: ‘Visit the graves as the remind you of the Hereafter.’ Part of a Hadith recorded by Muslim, Ahmad, al-Nasa’I, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah with the last word being ‘death’ instead of ‘the Hereafter.’ Ibn Majah also records something similar with the last words being ‘the Hereafter.’ The Prophet pbuh and his Companions used to visit the graves. However, this practice is for men only and not for women. In fact, they must be prevented from doing so as it is confirmed from the Prophet pbuh that ‘he cursed those women who visited graves.(*1) This is because their visiting the graves is a great trail for them. It is also because [by their behavior] they become a trail for others due to their little patience and great griefing that overcomes them. Therefore, it is not legally sanctioned for them to visit the graves. It is also confirmed in the sahih that Umm Atiyah said, ‘We were prohibited from following the funeral procession but this was not strictly enforced upon us.’ This shows that they were prevented from following the funeral procession to the grave site out of fear that it would be a trail for them or because of them and because of their little patience. The basic ruling when something is ordered against is that of prohibition. This is because Allah has stated, ‘Whatever the Messenger gives you, take it; and whatever he forbids you, abstain from it.’ Al-Hashr 7. #Note: (*1) This is in a hadith recorded by al-Tirmidhi, al-Nasa’i, Abu Dawud, ibn Majah and Ahmad. However, all of them narrated this through Abu Saleh, who is a weak narrator. Hence, many scholars of hadith (such as ibn Hajr, al-Albani, and others) consider that narration weak. The correct (hasan) narration of this hadith stated that the Prophet pbuh cursed those women who frequently visited the graves. Recorded by al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Ahmad. According to al-Albani, this narration is hasan. See Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani, Sahih Sunan al-Tirmidhi (Riyad: Maktab al-Tarbiyah al-Arabi li-Daul al-Khaleej, 1988), vol 1, p 308}. This can give a very different interpretation of the hadith, as is given by Abdul Rahman al-Mubarakfoori, Tuhfah al-Ahwadhi bi-Sharh Jami’ al-Tirmidhi (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, n.d.), vol 4, p 160. Bakr Abu Zaid, however, interprets this hadith to mean the same as the previous hadith. [see Bakr Abu Zaid, Juz’fi Ziyarat al-Nisa li-l-Quboor (Riyad; Dar al-Aasima, 1994), pp 24-27]. If a woman is known not to behave herself within the limits of the shariah at a grave-site, then she should be prevented from visiting the graves according to the agreement of the scholars. Allah knows best. Allah knows best, may the Almighty forgive our shortcomings. JazakAllahu Khair. mmegaffer.wordpress/2013/09/23/what-is-the-ruling-on-the-woman-visiting-graves/
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 00:40:12 +0000

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