What is this nonsense about a major supermarket chain wasting - TopicsExpress


What is this nonsense about a major supermarket chain wasting tax-payers money to prosecute a poor hungry homeless guy for lifting out of date food out of a bin outside the market. This is a disgrace more so because food just out of date needs to go to those who ARE hungry but skint! This world is going to Hell in a hand basket because of miserable, mean, greedy bad-asses that SSsoooo need a Damn good slap upside the ear! Pity that poor person not punish, the whole thing is appalling. Its like all that produce being poured into landfills by the truckloads when it could be processed into nutrient and protein bars to feed the hungry all over. To simply dump it is not just a waste, its a crime!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 07:58:49 +0000

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