What is up with the school district wanting more money from the - TopicsExpress


What is up with the school district wanting more money from the residents in the Massillon school district. We work hard for our money and it is not the fault of the residents that the school district does not know how to manage their money. If I don’t manage my money correctly I cannot go to my employer and ask to get a raise because I need more money. The schools keep asking for more and more money. The people of Massillon need to stand up for themselves and not let the school district bully them into taking more of our hard earned money. One hundred fifty dollars a year might not sound like a lot to some people but for the majority of us, who don’t make a lot of money, $150 per year extra on their house payment could be a matter of do I get my medicine, buy food or make my house payment. I for one cannot afford an extra $150 per year. The people of Massillon need to think long and hard before they vote to give the schools more money. For those that rent and think if you vote in favor of it that is isn’t going to affect you, you better think again because most likely your rent is going to go up to cover the cost of the higher taxes. I personally believe if you don’t own property you should not be allowed to vote to raise someone else’s taxes but because you do have the right to vote I suggest you register and vote no in November. I for one cannot afford to give the schools, or anyone else for that matter, anymore of my hard earned money. Let’s take a stand and vote NO on the Massillon School Levy in November
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 22:05:36 +0000

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