What is with people being “proud” of something they had - TopicsExpress


What is with people being “proud” of something they had nothing to do with? Like when someone uses the word “proud” next to their nationality or race or religion. “Proud to be Micronesian”, “proud to be Caucasian-Swahili”, and of course, the all-too-familiar “proud to be an American.” You can’t be proud of something you didn’t personally achieve, ok? Pride is derived from one’s own achievements or the achievements of someone who makes you proud by association, but you can’t be proud of something that happened to you by chance or was granted to you by birth. You can be “happy” or “thankful” for your nationality or race, “I am happy I am not an algae-licking larval toad, I am happy I’m a Lebanese woman!” but I can’t be proud of it because I had absolutely nothing to do with it. You wouldnt be proud of having elbows, now would you? Or knee caps? Are you “proud of having knee caps? No. UNLESS you strap on 10 kgs of steel weight on each of your legs, and get on the elliptical machine at speed 9 every day, and unfailingly turn up the machine to 60 km per hour and start leaping in the air with high intensity knee-jerking moves, as you splash the walls with your sweat, then finish your workout by hurling yourself backwards into the mirror, breaking the mirrored wall with your now very-muscled knees and washing everyone with small pieces of glass, only then can you be proud of having knee caps… because you’ve earned them. You can then yell how proud you are of having knee caps as security escorts you out of the gym. But otherwise, you can’t be proud to be things you had no choice in being. It’s unfair to the rest of the people who keep being escorted out by security for naturally being of the wrong nationality/race. #ProudToBeaLarvalToad #SaidNoOneEver #sigh #humans
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 09:43:45 +0000

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