What is wrong with the Vatican? Why is not the Pope of the - TopicsExpress


What is wrong with the Vatican? Why is not the Pope of the Catholic church rising up in stern protest to what is going on in the middle east? Edgar G Robinson once said in the movie MOSES....Where is your Farrow now? I ask of the Catholic church , Where is our Pope now? The world should be outraged that the killing of Christians continues UNABATED and that no one, including our own president, or this country, is doing anything to really stop it. THEREFORE: I would urge all the Middle East Christians to arm themselves, and to organize themselves. And if anyone from Hamas, ISIS, Taliband, The Muslim Brotherhood, or any other terrorist group comes into your village and starts to collect your men, pull out a gun and shoot them! Dead ! If they rocket launch you, seek them out and kill them! Dead! Jesus said in all things to turn the other cheek. But he did not say you have to be passive and be slaughtered like sheep. Everyone has the right to protect them selves from the death that would be inflicted on them by others. I get so mad when I hear our politicians like Democrat Nancy (Poser) Polosy, saying she heard Hamas was a benevolent organization. And what in my mind can only be ignorance, people protesting against the nation of Israel for protecting itself from rocket fire from Gaza. Lets talk about this, the people of Gaza have ELECTED Hamas to represent them in Government. This makes Gaza an attacking Nation! Since this is the people of Gazas choice of government, then everyone who stays behind after being given fair warning to leave, must be considered the enemy. Because it is a fact, that if terrorism rears its ugly head, then every descent human must come together to fight it. Where is the UN? Where is the enforcement arm of all those countries who have sworn allegiance to protect one another from invasion and harm? Where is NATO? Why isnt NATO enforcing the treaty that Russia has with them to protect the nations that boarder Russia. This is Germany all over again, first Poland, then on to other countries. Putin is the newest of dictators bent on conquering other countries that won their freedom through peace. Crimea, Ukraine, and now the Russians are violating American air space, and testing the waters in the Philippine and China Seas. This is a wake up call to all Americans. To arms...to arms....because the violence will soon be here in our own country, the only difference between us and them, we have the right to bear arms. Once a government orders its people to dis arm, or negates their right to bear arms, then the next course is to subject the masses to a dictatorial regime. Be very weary when rumors of restricting your right to bear arms by enacting new laws take effect. This has happened in the Affordable Care Act. If there is any medical issue deeming you unbalanced, you can have your guns confiscated from your home. The Constitution does not call for this, but it has all ready happened in California. If it comes to it, when we here in this Nation are being attacked by our own people, in the name of some Terrorist group, I hope we will do our due diligence and come together as a Nation to stop it. If this happens, I think every Governor of every State needs to activate the men at arms militia. Citizens need to be trained so that if or when the time comes, we can quickly enter the military better prepared to defend this country. I just saw on the news where America can no longer be consider at strength to support a two front attack. Are forces are so depleted it would take two years to get us back to where we were a decade ago. That is what is called in military terms, an opportunity to attack. I think back to that opened mic conversation our president was having with the Russian dignitary... ... just tell him to wait until after I win the election, I will have more leverage then. I wonder if this is a plan to allow the Russians to regain their land with the guarantee that the USA will not intervene. Obama has all-ways been one to despise this countries greatness. He believes we should not play a hand as a Super Power, but be relegated to being equal with the other Nations. This is important if you want a one world organization, because a Super Power would be able to stop you. OK thats enough ranting for now.....
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 05:32:45 +0000

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