What is your, “Paradigm?” As Christians we may ask, what is a - TopicsExpress


What is your, “Paradigm?” As Christians we may ask, what is a paradigm? Through the ages, man has developed his society and thinking on a clear paradigm, a set of truths that guide his hand. A paradigm is a model or pattern for something that may be copied developed around, a theory, or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought about. Christians have a great start, the truth within the bible. The bible provides each of us with a clear path of Gods ways and we should believe in, follow, and guide others through our paradigm, “Our way of thinking and seeing the events of this world.” From early bible history we see a change in the Hebrew peoples way of thinking, guided by the law of Moses, “a paradigm of the old covenant”, to a shift in thanking and truths seen through the, “New covenant through Christ”. Our truths and way of thinking had changed creating a new and better way. Our Nation was built on the thoughts and truths of the Holy Bible to bring on a paradigm, a way of thinking built on established truths, and all peoples used the bible as a guild to separate good from evil, and place themselves under the blood of Christ. Yes that is right; we all looked to the paradigm of the bible, its truths and its ideas about how to justify our thoughts toward all peoples, and the bible was the backbone of a growing country. But what about now, does the old way of thinking still hold its place as the way of the people? Unfortunately, the today paradigm has been changed; people mix and distort the truths of the Holy Bible to fit their new way of thanking. I see this as a direct attack from satin, his mixing truths with the worldly ways and wants of man. Satin would be pleased if he can get our minds off Gods truths and follow even partially his distorted lies. Satin has stepped in to bring on a new way of thinking for many Christians, even those that have followed the Gods words for a lifetime. Many Christians speak from two different podiums, one of Christ and another from the world. There is no separation in the Holy Scriptures, either they are true, or they are false, we cannot select or ignore scripture to fit our will. It seems that people in general need to represent themselves as the, “Strong man”, the one the will withhold all injustice by their proclamation of wrongdoing, even over the truths of the bible. We cannot proclaim ill feelings over Gods people and then in the same breath bring on blessings to those we just chastised. This is a mixing of a thought pattern, (Tow different paradigm), a self-truth derived from a mixing of thoughts about who we are, the strong man of this world, or the humble man of the bible truths. I think you get the idea. What we need are people that believe in, partake in, and follow the paradigm of the new covenant, a people that stand on Gods truths and are strong only through Christ. Have a blessed day….Chuck
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 15:28:27 +0000

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