What is your opinion about this scientific paper? With all the - TopicsExpress


What is your opinion about this scientific paper? With all the risks I will keep my vegetarian food style in the future for the animals love I have, but as a researcher, it is important to know the true about healthy diets. How can we improve this type of food? Why is this food style presented like perfect food for humanity? It is not correct for humans. I will fight for animal rights but not in this way: saying that it is perfect, it is not. There are more papers like this one. It is not the only one. It is very important to put the right questions. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS AND TOPICS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH RELATED TO PLANT-BASED DIETS 1) Define the health experience of vegans compared with other vegetarians. Although certain risk factors appear to take more favorable values in vegans, the limited data for risk of cancer and total mortality do not yet suggest a benefit in vegans (59). 2) Somewhat related to this are the effects of dairy foods on health, both cancer and cardiovascular disease. Effects on risk may point in different directions for colon and prostate cancers. 3) Are the n−6 (omega-6) fatty acids consumed preferentially by many vegetarians proinflammatory outside the laboratory, ie, in the intact person? 4) Clarify whether α-linolenic acid (eg, flax seed, soy) increases the risk of prostate cancer as some data suggest. 5) What are the advantages and risks of soy consumption (if any)? 6) Do all meats increase risk of CHD, colon cancer, and possibly other chronic diseases equally? Do processed meats have greater effects? 7) The decreased risk of several chronic diseases in vegetarians is probably not only due to reduced or absent meat consumption. The possible effects of particular families of vegetables, fruit, nuts, and grains should be evaluated to gain greater specificity. 8) Report descriptive details of vegetarian diets in different countries. Are these diets comparable, and how are pooled analyses best conducted? 9) When evaluating effects of specific foods or food groups, the difficulties imposed by dietary measurement errors are severe. Identification of additional biomarkers of intake for different families of fruit and vegetables should reduce this problem when they are used in biomarker-guided analyses of diet-disease associations (60). 10) Further basic science work is needed to identify and clarify mechanisms of biologically active phytochemicals. May some of these alter gene expression, for instance? ajcn.nutrition.org/content/89/5/1607S.full
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 08:50:08 +0000

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