What is your personality type? 1. The Sanguine type People who - TopicsExpress


What is your personality type? 1. The Sanguine type People who possess this type of personality are characterised by spontaneity, optimism, enthusiasm, high energy, mental flexibility, impulsiveness, novelty seeking and curiosity. These characteristics are related to specific genes and dopamine system. People with this type of personality love the life of luxury. They like impressing other with expensive cloths and latest gadgets. They are born risk takers and are willing to take risks to satisfy their numerous interests. These people are extreme optimists and find positivity in everything. They are boredom busters and cannot tolerate boredom. Routine jobs, repetitive experiences annoy and irritate them. It can be stated that people with this personality type “DRINK LIFE” and enjoy it to the fullest. 2. The Phlegmatic type People with this type of personality are defined by their social skills. They have the ability to express themselves and read other people’s expressions and body language. They believe in looking at the bigger picture. Sympathetic, agreeable, emotionally expressive are some of the traits of this personality type. These character traits are due to estrogen which is present in both men and women. People with this personality type look forward to contribute to society. They strive to help people fighting with cancer, make donations to orphanages, help the poor and more than anything they strive for greater self knowledge. 3. The Melancholic type People with this personality type are generally loyal, calm and orderly. This personality type is associated with serotonin which dilutes aggressiveness. People with this personality type are deeply attached to their families and pay attention to details. They remember special dates, places etc. They are very loyal to their partners and often use words like care, sweet, respect, values etc. Distractions frustrate people with this type of personality. These people strictly follow rules and stick to the facts, which is why they make very good managers and administrators. 4. The choleric type This type is associated with Testosterone which is a more dominant in men however is present in females also. These people are tough, direct, analytical, logical and strategic. These people like to compete and like taking life as it comes. They like accepting challenges and have a great deal of courage. They often have square jaws, high foreheads and high cheek bones. Generally choleric people are money oriented and are fascinated by stocks, investments all revenue generation methods. They keep looking for opportunities and are workaholics. This doesn’t mean that choleric people are greedy for money
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 15:49:30 +0000

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