What is your role in society? It is so much simpler to use the - TopicsExpress


What is your role in society? It is so much simpler to use the left-right paradigm of left end is authoritarion and right end is anarchy. Anything in between is a degree of control. If you violate the rights of others, you are leftist. I dont care what you call yourself or where you are on the line. Any action violating the rights of another is a leftist action. You should be punished. It could be simplified more as on/off. You violate rights/you dont violate rights. This is how you would look at an individuals specific actions. If a person thinks he is acting libertarian, conservative, anarchist or whatever and violates anothers rights, it needs to be pointed out that he is behaving leftist. Then comes the civil society. How do you deal with these people that violate the rights of another. The degree of the violation determines the punishment. The role of government is to protect rights. They should justly define the punishment. The leftist (statist, liberal, progressive, socialist, communist, ...) does not believe in rights. They think they do, but it is easy to dispel their fantasy, though not to them. They are closed minded and will ignore any fact that demonstrates your point. Then we can look at every action of a politician. Does he vote for a law that violates rights? Does he compromise on a law that violates rights? They all talk of the good of society to manipulate you into believing it is the right thing to do. The list of violations is endless. They will use every tactic to get their way. Your role, your duty in a free society, is to not buy into the lies. Stop being gullible to professional liars. Look at what they do, not what they say, from the perspective of our rights. Government has no other role. Your role is to hold them to it.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 21:43:05 +0000

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