What kind of party harbours these hideous examples of the human - TopicsExpress


What kind of party harbours these hideous examples of the human race? Freud must go. Tory Lord Freud is facing calls to resign after he suggested that some disabled people were not worth the full wage. The welfare minister was overheard at Tory conference discussing plans to introduce a £2 minimum wage band just for disabled people... ...In a recording passed to website Politics Home, Lord Freud is heard discussing the plans. He says: There is a group... where actually as you say they’re not worth the full wage and actually I’m going to go and think about that particular issue. The conversation took place between Lord Freud and a Conservative councillor from Tunbridge Wells, David Scott. The full transcript of Lord Freuds remarks from Politics Home reads: You make a really good point about the disabled. Now I had not thought through, and we have not got a system for, you know, kind of going below the Minimum Wage. But we do have … You know, Universal Credit is really useful for people with the fluctuating conditions who can do some work - go up and down - because they can earn and get ... and get, you know, bolstered through Universal Credit, and they can move that amount up and down. Now, there is a small … there is a group, and I know exactly who you mean, where actually as you say they’re not worth the full wage and actually I’m going to go and think about that particular issue, whether there is something we can do nationally, and without distorting the whole thing, which actually if someone wants to work for £2 an hour, and it’s working can we actually. After he finishes speaking the two carry on their exchange, with Mr Scott telling the peer that no-one is willing to pay the Minimum wage for disabled people to work. Scott: They particularly want to work because it does add so much to their lives… Freud: Yes. Scott: ...being able to do something. And actually being employed in a job actually gives them so much self-esteem, but nobody is willing to pay that Minimum Wage. And then we’re supporting them massively financially, but we also want them to work, for their own self-esteem and everything else. mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tory-lord-freud-facing-calls-4441910#ixzz3GDVSvdMp Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 12:45:32 +0000

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