What makes another person warm to you? Seeing your truth, - TopicsExpress


What makes another person warm to you? Seeing your truth, genuinity and warm fearlessness. Your passion, joy, excitement and child-like-ness. your TRUTH and full, honest expression of that. What makes an ego be drawn to you? (like the old days carry on lol). Perceiving strength and power in you, where their fear can gain thru being in contact with you, where you can protect them. Also, where they can gain and profit from you in some way, again, born from insecurity in oneself and ones own ability to manifest and get the best in life, without using, abusing or exploiting another person. So a dominant ego aspect of a person will either be drawn to another out of fear and feeling lack and trying to thus be protected and/or gain from being close to another, or else its out of insecurity in oneself, and thus needing to use, exploit or abuse others, in order to feel better about oneself; either a rush or thrill to fill that empty void and lacking place within oneself, or else simply to feel better about oneself and feel powerful (where you were previously feeling powerless and thus awful) by being dominant, the boss, bossy, in control, authoritative, and putting others down etc, to cement your power status and dominance over another. This is all born from fear, emptiness and insecurity. These come from our upbringing, where we were either abused, mistreated, bullied, or generally made feel worthless, powerless and empty on the inside. A ERY sad affair indeed. This child then grew up to behave in the ways I described above. Can you see both how destructive this is, and how sad it is too? Both victim and perpetrator need help, healing, love and much much healing basically. This world needs healing in order for it to move forward faster into the golden age of light that we are already in, and gaining momentum in too. Let us all heal, and step into our power and being the healers that we all are too, once we are healing and healed. We all have this within us. We all ARE this. How much have you stepped into your power? How much have you let go of the past and want to move forward into the bright future for yourself? Are you ready? Are you taking the necessary steps in order for you to get the healing that you need? Prioritize... Its all about prioritization, and when you are thus ready, to live a different life, than the one you are used to now. When we are all ready.... All in due time. All in perfect timing.... Love and blessings, Owen
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 15:50:59 +0000

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