What makes it unticonstitutional is that there was a deal reached - TopicsExpress


What makes it unticonstitutional is that there was a deal reached between the protestors and the government for the next elections and how it would work and a economic contract disagreement caused the protests which caused the coup. After the protestors refused to leave and the army didnt take a side and the protestors looted army barracks and the new government refused language usage rights to their largest minority it was quite clear it was a coup. That being said, the situation now is that there is no legitimate government in Ukraine, Russia is protecting its citizens in Ukraine from what is a low level constant raiding activity back and forth between old and new government supporters, and without any clear reason as to why the new government is refusing the old government the right to run in the next election (ala Germany banning Nazi party which makes Germany Nazi in and of itself. Still going strong with the banning of ideologies in Germany I see that the Nazis won over there.) and the old government is contesting saying its a coup because there was an agreement with the protesters for both parties to go home and agree to a new election which the opposition said they wont agree and they started attacking the communist and former government offices again, most of the army and police now support the old government as evident in no military show-down and head of navy defecting. If push comes to show Maybe 30% of Ukrainian military will side with new gov and 40% with old and rest will just go Double Tee Eff Mate?. Problem then being that arms go boom boom while the actual pre-revolt peace and election agreement will not be held. Keep in mind the protesters have banned a party from running and have attacked another party and have publicly stated that they will not agree to a ceasefire. Seeing as how Germany has banned a Nazi party, Sweden is very hard attempting to ban a nationalist party, UK is trying to, very successfully I might add, cleanse the British from the isles and the US Is still debating if the Native-Americans belong to the animal or the plant kingdom, no one is exactly justified in the grand scheme of things. However, reality on the ground is that there is only one solution to this conflict which is to hold an open election between everyone interested in the Ukraine situation who consider themselves legitimate Citizens of that country for a new government, without age, race, gender, nationality, limitations with the exception that you have to be Ukrainian. After that there might be a case for renewed co-operation, time will tell though, seems likely that one or more of those conditions will not be met, at best it will be a outsider hidden puppet like before and a sizable enough portion of the population on the ground will feel disenfranchised enough that it will go to war. When your government is run as a hidden puppet that you cant dislodge, just make it an open puppet and make a mad dash for the this was a planned reform, everyone go about your business angle. A new Bastille?
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 11:03:37 +0000

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