What matters most to you? Imagine you just got the news that - TopicsExpress


What matters most to you? Imagine you just got the news that you had one day to live. You’re as healthy, strong, and vibrant as you’ve ever been. You are able and can do anything you have been able to do your entire life. But, in 24 hours, you’ll fall asleep willingly or not. It won’t be painful or scary, just drifting off into a dream filled blissful slumber only, you’re not going to wake up again. The human experience is over. You cashed in your chips and moved onto whatever is next. What is the one thing you wish you did more than anything? What’s at the top of that list? If you had even just 5 more years, would you do it? Could you? Why didn’t you do it? Do the reasons seem valid now? Was it fear of failure? Fear of success? Fear of any kind? Because you still have a chance to do it… You’re alive, the dream is inside of your heart, you produce enough energy every day to LIVE IT not just imagine it. You can fulfill what you feel is your purpose in this life, even if only partially. We all can. My Dad had 30 minutes with me and he fulfilled part of his purpose before he died. As long as you are functioning, you CAN pull the light from your heart and spread it out into the world and you know what happens when you do that? It makes YOU feel good. It makes YOU feel a sense of purpose. It makes YOUR world a better place. And you CAN do it… You only need to approach it a little different. Sure their will be obstacles, there are always are. But those obstacles are to be met with a solution focused, eager anticipation as if you’re navigating a fun obstacle course finding ways to overcome puzzles and challenges that allow you to progress further along the course. They are not to be met with fear, self doubt, and worry of any kind. They cannot beat you, they are not able to stop you, and they have no power over you. They are like tumblers in a lock that are there for your benefit and their purpose is to serve you, not stop you. In fact, if you come to a point you’re face to face with an obstacle (like I am now), it means you’re progressing along the course and you get to experience the fun adventure of figuring out how to get over, under, around, or through the thing to continue on your journey. So much time can fly by and before we know it, we’re faced with the last few grains of sands in our hourglass making their way through the narrow opening thinking, “I really wish I would’ve done X…” So ask yourself what matters to you? What feeds your soul? And don’t let yourself get away with not answering! I know it’s not an easy question to answer for most people but… Keep on chipping away at the layers of “should do’s” and “supposed to’s” until you strike a piece of the truth. And when you feel a flood of peace enter your chest, a little buzz in your head, and a little tingle all over your body, you know you’ve struck the edge of truth. Just keep digging because you’re ultimate happiness and success and purpose and fulfillment in life live within that answer.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 22:04:41 +0000

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