What matters most when starting a company? Whether you are - TopicsExpress


What matters most when starting a company? Whether you are talking about Apple, Tesla, or Amazon... the same two questions come up again and again. Why? and Why not? The book this week is Start With Why by Simon Sinek Think about the last big purchase you made, maybe it was an iPhone, a car, or a computer. Now ask yourself: Why did you buy it? Was it the features? The design? The offer? I bet it was neither, certainly these factors may have played a part, but none of them were at the core of your decision, they were simply rationalizations of the emotional response that was elicited by the product. You bought it because you believe in the Why of the company, you bought it because by obtaining it you are aligning yourself with a larger message, a bigger purpose. People dont by what you do, they buy why you do it. We need to belong, it is a biological need as basic as food, water, and shelter. As much as we would like to believe that it was a rational decision to purchase the shiny new iPhone 6... it wasnt. In fact your rational brain had very little to do with the decision, your emotional brain over-rode it, and then your neocortex simply rationalized that decision to make it seem rational rather than emotional. All this because we want to be perceived a certain way... Surround ourselves with the brightest people, stay on top of the latest trends, and employ the newest technology. So if you are a company building a new product, take a minute and step away from the features, benefits, and pricing strategy... and ask yourself: Why am I building this? This will do more for your vision than any amount of money you can invest in marketing, advertising, or research & development. The best products are the ones that feel like they are almost alive, as though they have their own personality. Clarity of WHY It really starts out with WHY you do WHAT you do. Discipline of HOW Understand HOW you are going to do what you need to, and have the discipline to stick to it. Consistency of WHAT A WHY is just a belief, HOWs are the actions you take to realize that belief, and WHATs are the results of those actions. If you dont know WHY, you wont know the HOW, or the WHAT. Business is a lot like dating. Its not really about your 12-figure income, its about the intangibles that create that sort of impact. This is really a great book, and Simon has also done a Ted Talk that was very inspirational. If you like the ideas presented here and want to learn more... I highly recommend checking out this book... May it spark some new ideas in your brain! (affiliate link)
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 23:33:38 +0000

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