What must I do to inherit eternal life? This question greeted - TopicsExpress


What must I do to inherit eternal life? This question greeted Jesus ear in Matt 19v16. And this question greets us all at some time. Is there any good thing we can do to inherit eternal life? The answer is as surprising today, as it was then. Jesus Answer: If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. This certainly ties in with Jesus description of they that enter into life, are the doers of His law, and not just the hearers. Can the law be the key to who makes it or not? Not so easy. By our own works we cannot be saved, right? The young man knows its not so easy, so he continues further with the Lord. what do I still lack He asks, perceiving this fact. The Lord continues to say, if thou wilt be perfect, sell... and give to poor, ...and follow me. note that helping you neighbor is an act of love, and following Christ is also an act of love. In Romans 10 it says that Christ is the end of the Law. This does not mean the law literally ends, it means that when you follow Christ to the very core, you will find the law. It means that at the very end of Christ ministry you will find the law. To find the law is to find Christ, and to find Christ is to find the law. That is what it all boils down to. It is the epiphany of following Christ. God gives us another clue in Joh 3:16. He who believes in Christ, will have everlasting life. to believe in Christ is too big of a term to cover here, but it means in short to love Him and obey His commandments. This is what it means to follow Jesus. To obey. Obey what? His commandments. Jesus met the young mans question with everything needed to inherit eternal life. Simply be a doer of His. this is what it means to believe in God and follow Him. In Matt 22 Jesus summarizes it for the people, to Love God and to Love your neighbor. The young man found what he was lacking. He had not a complete love for God, neither a complete love for the poor or his neighbor. Jesus says: On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets (Matt 22:40). On what law? the ten commandments, His will! There is no getting away from it. The end of it all is the law found in Jesus Christ. To think it means to be done away with, means you not only end the law, but Christ also. No. Its meaning ties in with Jesus answer on how to follow Him, and that is to be a keeper. Righteousness ends in Christ, meaning to become a redeemed man, is found with only one man, our Lord Jesus and to give your life wholly over to obedience in His ways, the 10 commandments and statutes. The final product of a Christian is a keeper of the law in its fullness. This is IN WHAT righteousness ends! It is now clear when Jesus says If you love me keep my commandments (Joh 14), and here are they that keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus (Rev 14). It is the testimony of Mat 19v17-21. May the answer from Jesus be clear. The law is under the seat of God. it is on what God sits. To sit means to rule. It is the center of happiness, and as in the case of the young also the cause of bitterness (or what will condemn a person). May we know that to follow Christ with His laws written on our hearts, eternal life is gaurenteed. His loving grace had paid the price for the penalty of breaking the law of heaven. We can be like the young man, and turn away from the law, or take up our cross and follow the Lamb. Peace.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 20:13:24 +0000

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