What next??? I finf something NEW everyday! I have never heard - TopicsExpress


What next??? I finf something NEW everyday! I have never heard of this. Has anyone here heard of this before? If its not Wastewater, Air Emissions, Groundwater Contamination, Earthquake and Seismic activity...its now Salt Water Caverns storage accidents?? Tell me again why we need more reviews on Fracking? I am concerned about the outcome of Dr Wheelers review panel. Who does this panel really serve ? You and Me..the people? ..or Govt and Big Oil? We need to try and attend one of the upcoming meetings. It is hard in this busy time of year but I am going to try my best! This rape of our Natural Resources has to stop NOW. The majority of people DO NOT want Shale Gas or Hydraulic Fracturing. PERIOD. Why do we have to continually protest to be heard??? There should be referendums on these issues. But that wont happen because Big Oil Corps would lose! ! ! There are Clean Energy Options now so there is no excuse for Govt and Big Business not to explore Solar, Wind and Water. It is a lie that it is too expensive. Just take a look at your Hydro bill....and its plain to see that these Big Companies get richer as we the people get poorer. They are out to please the shareholders NOT to protect our environment. Money and Greed. Very sad indeed. Why arent Govts giving grants for SOLAR ,WIND, AND WATER TURBINES....?? LPG Salt Cavern Storage facilities at Seneca Lake, NewYork State.Ther are many people in NY state fighting against FRACKING. Now people are fighting against this right now. I have never heard of this. Apparently there have been many fires, explosions and accidents in the past with this Salt Cavern Storage.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:04:10 +0000

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