What now? It appears that for now the emergency is over for us - TopicsExpress


What now? It appears that for now the emergency is over for us outside of Palestine. We wont have our lives tied to Facebook and news of Gaza 24 hours a day, unable to think about anything else. We can start eating again, start opening our mail, start giving some thought to the other things in our lives which we have ignored over the past 7 weeks. Still I am uneasy. I am no longer naive about israel. I know they will go back to the usual. They will not honour agreements and the daily arrests and incursions in the West Bank will continue. I am trying to sort out what my priorities should be right now as a foreigner who supports Palestine. I will list what I see needs to be done. I would love to hear the opinions of others. 1. BDS as usual with stickers and talking to shop owners. 2. Keep marching and spreading awareness. 3. Stop Israeli ships from unloading their crap on our shores. 4. Somehow find out about the congress who are citizens of Israel. If this is true we need to change this. No politician should be allowed to have dual citizenship, I dont care what other country they are a citizen of. This is a clear conflict of interest and should be fixed. I dont know how. I need help figuring out how to solve this problem. 5. No US citizen should be allowed to fight with a foreign army. Again this is a conflict of interest. Im sure this is a recent change of law. I am sure that I was taught that as American citizens we would lose our citizenship if we did that. We should at least lose citizenship and be prosecuted for it. Again, I need help in figuring out what to do about this. 6. Elect officials who are not bought off by AIPAC. What can we do about this? Can we change the way lobbies operate? Can we find and popularise candidates who wont have the millions of dollars that AIPAC gives them? 7. Keep sharing what is happening in the West Bank. 8. Continue spreading the fact that the Jews of Israel are mostly not of the Jewish race, but are descendants of Europeans who converted 1400 years ago. Most of them are atheists. I think this fact MIGHT persuade some of the Christian zionists, if any of them have any sense or are able to use logic, which I kind of doubt. Arent there some bible verses about being fooled? Thoughts?
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:01:55 +0000

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