What of Pyramid technology and does it work? They say the - TopicsExpress


What of Pyramid technology and does it work? They say the pyramids were a giant power station. To prove this theory correct one must know how electricity works. The Ac current is an atom charged particle. It transfers itself to a DC current or ground current. The ac current of a pyramid is its point, the DC current is where that point is generated. The generator hangs under the pyramid itself to gather the electricity then release it down the outer rim in a slanted direction. The pyramid does the same thing. When they excavated the pyramids they found cables attached to the brick. The cables were of metal! They know nothing of how ancient egyptians obtained modern day cable coils within the pyramids. The inner chamber is infact a power house which uses the earth as a battery. It works this way and is proven by some experiments with pyramids (on youtube https://youtube/watch?v=pMbHswNoGWM&list=FLDMrc5QjTg4EAJ1VXy5gL4A&index=7). If one can transfer AC to DC in mass or directly from the source one has the ability to give vast civilizations electricity. The pyramids must have been kept intact as water rose in egypt ie one charges a lithium battery with a magnet or 12 volt fan attached to a battery of a greater source. The aryan african sudanese are pakis whom must have used it as a type of tool to channel water instead of electricity, yet one thing is known the germans built the pyramids in egypt after the nara race went extinct, 270thousand years ago these vast structures powered segregated civilizations. They say the Red Pyramid was built by the germanic peoples of the fourth race or 4rth-2nd race dakas. They say pyramids can retain its forms whilst civilizations turn to dust because they have to insulate the ground. They have to be built that way, and are not of shear sorcery and/or magi like the fantascists think but yet of a divine intelligence, where form can turn into water via pressure and heat aka friction. Egypt was once infact a province of the himas before ramas time, 1.7m yrs ago where rama was somehow considered the last of the great races whom truly gave birth to the dravidians (dravidians are new races, many biblical accounts say russians are the dravidians of the fifth race, however they are degenerated from daitya or the copperhead coil continent of atlan)..or not really even a master but a commoner amongst a great line of avatars. Maytsa the fish was the first true avatar, and this being could have been born anywhere from 1.7m to 18m years ago. The japanese atlanteans must have had great cities even in north america and a seth of osiris himself is of this line.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 18:43:33 +0000

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