What our children can teach us is amazing! Love David Hi - TopicsExpress


What our children can teach us is amazing! Love David Hi guys. First I need to tell u all how much I LOVE your page and what you all do and stand for. You guys have truly opened my eyes, and now I actually look for situations where I can help. I love it! Xoxox Being a single, full time working mother of 3 has been a challenge. But we are all surviving and happy. I have taught my kids to give and think of others even though we have it rough, some have it even worse. Well I think my lessons are paying off and Id love to share this story with you. My 7 year old son came home from school and asked me if he could give his friend and classmate a pair of his shoes. I said, what....wait a minute lets talk about this. He explained to me that his friends shoes were TOTALLY WORN OUT (and he really emphasized that fact). I said, well how come his mother doesnt buy him a new pair? My son lowered his head and softly said, cuz his mom doesnt have enough money. My heart melted. So I thought for about 1 second and said, yes you can. He looked up at me with these huge eyes and said, I CAN? YOURE GOING TO LET ME? I said yes you can then explained to him how proud of him I was that he noticed his friend needing help, and he was going to try and help him. He was so happy, he ran into the kitchen, got the shoes and put them in his back pack so he wouldnt forget to give them to him. Proud proud very proud mommy moment for me since my boys know all to well what its like to not get the best shoes or brand new shoes because I couldnt swing it at the time. We give/help not because we have it all, we give/help because we know what its like to have nothing. My 7 year old is wiser beyond his years. :) The end..... thank you for your time!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 14:00:00 +0000

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