What people dont seem to realize is that the purpose of strength - TopicsExpress


What people dont seem to realize is that the purpose of strength and conditioning programming is injury prevention first and performance enhancement second. No pro sports team gives a shit what their athletes 1RM bench press or hang clean is. SC program efficiency is calculated by man games lost to injury- or how many players missed how many games due to injury. With that being said, 70% of of Crossfit competitors will miss at least a week this year due to injuries sustained in Crossfit. Herein lies my beef with using Crossfit as a way to train athletes (if you want to use it to train to look good naked or compete in Crossfit, thats your own prerogative I could care less) How does it make sense to injure ones self while training to prevent injury? You tell me.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 19:17:48 +0000

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