What remains to be seen is whether or not this status update will - TopicsExpress


What remains to be seen is whether or not this status update will go live Friday or Saturday. To prepare for the possibility of either, ive used verbs and date/time references in pairs, so just select the proper one for the date you see this. For people who dont get around to reading this for a while, ive included an option for you latecomers as well. Insert geographically displaced index here: 1. Recap. 2. More shows! 3. What the crap is going on with your BBQs, Dencker? And werent we going to re-roof your house? 4. Errata and clarifications. 1. (Last night / two nights ago / sometime last week) was awesome. Thanks to everyone who came out. This (weekend / today / last weekend), me and the boys (dont / didnt / didnt) have anything booked, so (tonight / last night / Friday Sept 19th) I (may go / had gone / went to (Bobbleheads / Bobbleheads / Yer moms) and play some trivia. 2. Next week Saturday, Roxtar goes tip-deep in Illinois to play the White Bear. You all should come with us. Garys booking a huge all-day music festival there in November, come scope the place out in advance. Remember also that Oct 8-12 is my birthday bash. Lots of stuff going on! 3. So the other day, we were signing autographs and Spaz (Zack Zweifel) looks at my signature and says Saint Christopher, eh?. Here is the explanation. Feel free to move along if you read this when I originally posted it a few months back. Saint Christopher was a Catholic Saint. Ok, thats not entirely true. Saint Christopher didnt exist. He was completely MADE UP. Fake. Not real. The Catholics still acknowledge him as a saint, but there was no actual human being named Christopher who was canonized. In addition, the one story regarding Saint Christopher defines him as a giant. So not only did I name myself after a totally bogus saint, I did after a supposedly tall one. Appreciate the irony? Saint Christopher is known as the patron saint of travelers. I can dig it (travelling musician and all). Lastly, thanks to the Universal Life Church, I had myself declared a saint (and a Reverend, as well). 4.2 Also, perhaps some clarification on my fostering of bad decision making. Obviously, we in Roxtar enjoy partying and having a good time. We joke around about bad decision making- staying out late when you have to work the next day, trying to juggle a full courseload at college with a full time job, playing in THREE bands, etc. Dont think Im encouraging you to do something really dumb. Going to work tired because you were having a good time- thats a bad decision. Being a dumbass and calling in to work and losing a job- thats dumb. Partying with friends all weekend, then having to spend all day Sunday writing papers and doing homework- thats a bad decision. Getting kicked out of school for bad grades- thats dumb. Seeing a cute guy/girl and getting the gall to just go up and talk to them- thats a bad decision. Pestering a girl/guy that you KNOW has ABSOLUTELY zero interest in you- thats dumb. Get it? To accomplish anything, sometimes you have to take a chance, push your self a little. Bite off more than you can chew, and force yourself to learn how to chew faster. Thats what Im talking about when I reference bad decision-making. Im not asking you to play in traffic. Yet. Well, I was going to upload a pic, but the meme sites I use arent working. Damn.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:48:19 +0000

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