What riches we do have in burma? We have rice paddies and corps, - TopicsExpress


What riches we do have in burma? We have rice paddies and corps, fish, and shrimp that we harvest we want paddies! we want fish and shrimp! Please tell us, what is are rice? what are fish and shrimp? Rice is main foot that we eat! Shrimp is our favoite curry to eat! It the peoples rice thats being sold? Is it their favoite shrimp and fish? This is a mistake! 3 သုံးေခါက္ဆုိပါ Fix the mistake! What a pity! What a pity! What a pity for all the people of burma! What riches we do have in burma? A lot of streams and rivers are blocked and reservois dams to make a lot of electricity We want that electricity! please give us electricity! What is electricity? You tell me. Electriciry gives the light and that light is essentiall We need it 24 hours a day.That essential electricity was sold to Thailand and china! The electricity that people really need is sold to india! That is a mistake! 3 , သုံးေခါက္ What a pity! What a pity! What a pity for all the people of burma! build, build, build the dams! Cut,Cut, Cit the trees!Move, Move, Move make the people flee! Miss,miss,miss, we miss the farms and fileds! Ruined, Ruined, Ruined our faims have been destroyed! Starve,starve, starve, we have no food to eat! Sell,sell, sell all the electricity! Get , get,get foreign funds! Take, take , take generals take all the profit! The generals take all the profit! Nothing left for the people!!! The commaders take the profit! Nothing left for the people!!! The ministers take all the profit!....
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 16:10:40 +0000

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