What right did Britain have to grant you (Jews) somebody elses - TopicsExpress


What right did Britain have to grant you (Jews) somebody elses country? Interesting Discussion between George Galloway and one of his listeners; about Palestine, the holocaust, and the Balfour Declaration. Below are chosen parts of the discussion: ... What right did Britain have to grant you somebody elses country? ... The Jews have suffered racist anti Semitism down the ages in many European countries including our own; they were subject to regular discrimination at best and pogrom and murder at worse ... The one place in the entire world that Jews were neither discriminated against, nor subject to pogrom, was the Muslim world. In fact so much was that the case that when Christianity came back to power in Spain in Andalusia in the Western extinct of the Islamic Empire; when the Muslims left the Jews left with them because they feared the Christian anti Semitism which would be unleashed in the wake of the departure of the Islamic civilization in the West... The Palestine that was wiped out off the map when Britain granted you somebody elses country had Jews living side by side with Christians and Muslims for century upon century without the slightest trace of discrimination or violence or pogrom. So whats happened is that the Christian anti Semitism in Europe which massacred 6 million Jews in the greatest crime in human history was paid for not by the Christian countries in Europe which either practiced or turned the blind eye to that anti Semitism but was paid by the very people who were completely innocent of that holocaust who had never persecuted the Jews, who had never pogromed the Jews, and that seems to me to add insult to the injury suffered by a people whose country was wiped off the map, who were at disperse into exile to make way for a Zionist idea which was granted to European Jews because these were the first settlers, granted to European Jews by Britain... It was long before the holocaust that Britain stepped in. Britain stepped in in 1917 with the Balfour Declaration made by the British Minister Balfour on our behalf to a group of atheistic Zionist Jews. I make the point about atheism because its now claimed that it is some biblical land right as if God was an estate agent, ... the Zionists represented a tiny sliver of Jewish opinion at that time; yet, Balfour promised them the land which belonged to a third people without consulting either the British or the worlds Jews, and least of all consulting the Palestinians...
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 02:12:14 +0000

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