What road are you on? As a believer in Christ we have accepted - TopicsExpress


What road are you on? As a believer in Christ we have accepted Gods amazing grace; His Son, Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Savior! We chose the long and narrow road! Now as we walk through life how do we allow the power of that grace to flow through us? What do I mean by power? Friend, I am convinced that a believer who truly understands grace walks in power over their sin nature! We are no longer slaves to our old sin nature! No, that doesnt imply that were perfect and never sin. It does mean that we have power over sin! That power is the salt and light for a hurting and dark world...the hope everlasting! Because that power comes from God who is working in and through us as we submit to Him! This grace that transforms, should so overwhelm us...that we extend grace and mercy to others! You see, I believe this amazing grace is found at the very end of a road called self! Yes its at the END of the road called self, when we literally come to the end of our self. What does that mean? Simply, we see that we dont have the answers... and that in our very best efforts, we fall miserably short of Gods holy standard. In my little ministry here I receive regular correspondence from listeners and readers from all over the world who are traveling down that road called self and are coming near to the end. I have been on that road and I can tell you it isnt pretty! In fact, right before you get to the end...it gets real ugly! You feel hopeless, despair, lost, alone and even defeated. Yet, I think it is a great gift to be right there! Why? ...Because that is how we truly accept the most amazing grace! Another words, we must all truly understand the depths of our depravity, what the penalty of our sins are, and truly see our lost condition before we can understand the sacrifice, the propitiation, the amazing grace offered through the death of Jesus on the cross! Tonight, there are some who find themselves in a very dark place. They feel all alone, broken hearted, sick and in despair. If I am speaking to you, will you call on Jesus Christ and allow yourself to come to the end of self and be taken off that dead -end of despair to be rescued and placed in the safety of Gods amazing grace? I thank Jesus for allowing me to come to the end of Randys Road...to see clearly what a mess I had made of my life! He gave me a new life and direction and now Im following Him down the road that leads to eternal life! Ready to follow the Good Shepherd? John 10:27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. Pray this prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Lord Jesus, I ask you to be my Savior, to forgive my sins, to cleans me by the power of your blood shed for me on the cross. I ask you, Lord Jesus, to come into my life and be the Lord of my life. My life is yours to direct. Dear Lord Jesus, I ask you to send your Holy Spirit to come live inside me to empower me to live for you and to teach me your will. I thank you for dying for me and saving me. I thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit and the guidance He will give to me. I thank you for adopting me as your son/daughter. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen. Thanks for letting me share, Randy Young
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 06:44:46 +0000

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