What‘s God? Good question. He is certainly what you believe - TopicsExpress


What‘s God? Good question. He is certainly what you believe Him to be. The issue with the one alleged as God is that his alleged laws in religions and cults are written by mortals that claim to know the minds of gods. Has God ever come down and written the Bible? The Gospels? The Testaments? The Acts? The Psalms? The scriptures? Anything? Of course not! There are many that say he has written the Truth through them—the God made me do it syndrome—but has He ever represented Himself? Where is it? All the fake copies would not even get into a courtroom. And yet 90% of humanity believe in these documents and beliefs that are not written by any original God. It certainly sounds like another set of man-contrived laws that belong to the GOD corporation, does it not? There is a big difference reflected in the words religion and spiritual. Religion is a short term physical thing; born-live-die. Follow the doctrine of those who are the interpreters and followers of the gods so they can help you free yourself of mortality. Spiritual is an eternal thing—born-live-die-reborn. You are immortal and eternal and you don‘t need any middle men to tell you what the doctrine of God is. By accepting mortal teachings over immortal knowing, you so allow dominion of physical over spiritual.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 02:54:22 +0000

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