What`s in a name ? Quite a lot, I reckon. Maybe the points of the - TopicsExpress


What`s in a name ? Quite a lot, I reckon. Maybe the points of the campaign should have been to create a New Prosperous and Peaceful country. Maybe the Independent word and the Nationalist words have been so tinted by the BNP and UKIP and a small zoo of similar other moronic thugs that the wider, casually interested, public perception - be it real or imagined - feels ill at ease with the word Independent or the word Nationalist. It is worth pointing out that the other 3 main party names denote a type of individual identity that outweighs any person`s nationality. Labour is a worker, The working man or woman - the average Joe, anywhere. Liberals/democrats denote, in theory, softer, thoughtful and considerate views and are globally recognised. Conservatives have their defining capitalist and controlling class followers and implied inherent control freakery. Some folk believe Scottish nationalists automatically infer hatred of the English (and an inbuilt hatred of them over many bloody battles and a thirst for revenge). Some folk automatically believe that seperatism would be cutting us off from the rest of Britain - ie, border controls/currency etc. I support the SNP in all of their principles but I believe the name - however germaine - is subconsciously stopping a wider variety of hitherto thoughtful voters from committing to it. My own name, for example, amongst a certain age group, gives them an instant view of who or what I may be. Albeit wrongly. Which, sort of highlights my points above. That`s just my humble view.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 07:29:00 +0000

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